
No poetic life

Placed on a shelf own poetry, the occasional look at recently, the last poem was written in 1985, from there the future, they no longer wrote a poem.

Although the life of hardship and when young, but the idea simple, concentric goodness, filled with vision, imagination. Every detail of life would be suggestive and exciting, poetic waves. Spring Thunder Waking of Insects, of all things recovery, good rain knows season, moisten things silently, flat out seeing a visitor Chushan Gu, very thick grass near Quewu. Summer night, look up the vault of heaven, in the span of the galaxy to find cows Weaver, day night cool bands such as water, to see cows lying Vega. Walking in the dark of night, with people and understand why the moon line, raise my eyes to the moon, which confused the dots on the moon, once wrote a poem: "Qionglouyuyu spring outside world, osmanthus wine news several times; For like the moon was a guest, Who knows what Wu Gang is the heart? "autumn wind blowing, swaying golden crop, is the empty mountains of new rain, the weather come late fall. Winter sky snow and distress: "sough strong westerly winds, winter's night beneath the bitter snow, Xiao Guanjie white office, capped cover fieldwork."

After aging, wear and life Williams, who has become proficient mice, poetry, and I slowly slipped away. City illuminated the night sky, the Milky Way never entered into my eyes. Niu Lang Weaver but hundreds of millions of light years away from stars, not Xianxin look. The moon hung in the sky, is still so round, but I know that in addition to crater, there was nothing she is also no. Middle of the night with sleepy eyes misty brew milk for the children, washing diapers for the children during the day, love poetry is no longer beautiful. Driving amazing passing and over, hear the birds chirping, evening dew will not stick to my clothes on. Only a parasol outside do not know when felled lost, do not feel the summer cicadas sing Land West, South crown off thinking to infringe. Dunshou in the gorgeous house, the number of deposits Festival with spittle, Chung is not what poetry is also up.

Farewell, my poem.

Barber shop cat

Yesterday, I went to the barber shop haircut. See the shop has a small black cat, lazily lying on the ground. My hair is a young man, very willing to talk. I asked him, this cat does not catch the mouse grasp. He said never mind, come in the store a few days before a mouse, everyone was very excited because cats finally come in handy. Then put the cat receive mouse hiding place, but the cat looked at the mice, trembling soso, would not approached. Seeing no, and from a neighbor hold over two cats, three cats together, strength in numbers (more than should be said that the cat is power) sooner or it could catch the mouse. The results let mice run away. I asked him what to eat normal cat, it is not greedy meat? He said usually to feed sausages, what trash. I, too, that the original cat food on the usual very good, with fish and meat, not worthwhile to find their own food to eat. Not practiced since childhood cat and mouse, or eaten a mouse, when the mice presented in front of know what to do when the. Over time, the mouse afraid of the cat, chances are would like to bite a cat a few mouthfuls of it.

Think again before seen a television program that is a base in Heilongjiang Province, a cage stocked with a tiger. In order to temper the wild tiger, caged feeders to put a goat. The results depend to a goat in front of Tiger when the goat was hit by a kick, while the tiger ran scared. From two animals get along, sheep in the cage, walked leisurely to Fangbu.

This shows that the animal's survival skills are not innate, there is to be trained into the. If human beings always take it upon themselves, not necessarily a good thing.

Point of view of happiness

Legacies of feudal, traditional Chinese family values or the men, the women stay home. Men work outside to earn money, handling foreign affairs, women were cooking and cleaning, feeding future generations, housekeeping. Happy to count on a woman to a man's body (in addition to a strong woman outside).

Subconsciously, women want their husband to come out ahead. In the past, men have to become an official, a noble status; Now, men want to be the boss, there is a house and car. Shot to be generous, gestures to have style. But all things are divided into two. Man brought the family wealth to bring happiness and status of women, but also brought the crisis. Men, money, standing, and social interaction on the many, often out to eat, bathe, have no place to spend more money, will, weak Pu could deviant trouble (I said might, not absolute), things to the negative direction. A business premises, in the past is a decent man, the real estate industry booming in recent years, earned a lot of money. Also find out the three women, composed of four separate families, and have a child. However, he unfortunately had cancer. In the dying and four children to the hospital bed together, divide family property. At this point, four women have happy feelings?
The woman is a contradiction, all want to put too high a number of kites, but the more difficult to control the higher flight. Therefore, women unnecessary comparisons husband, who's husband money comparisons, comparisons of high office who's husband. Men have their own capability of success factors, but also luck. When looking for objects in the young, women can not predict the future trend of her husband's career, if not by the rich man's standard had to find, in later years would not again pushed higher and higher goals. Happiness is relative, not absolute, is not happy with the size of the house, there are no cars to be measured. The small house, every day between riding a bike, eating bread and water, feeling very sweet, is happiness. Another big house, cars to drive to, but two people are very arrogant, and do not compromise else gets, what happiness to speak of it. Therefore, women looking for an honest part of man, not necessarily a bad thing. Despite earning less, but reliable, do not worry flew away.

Rain scene

Yesterday, under a heavy rain. After the rain, I drove out to work. In passing a crossroads, I found a woman squatting on the road side of the sanitation workers are on the ground with a group of children received scattered sand. Which vehicles might overfill, the sand fell down. Female sanitation workers in that next to the road there are some concave, some water above the deposit. At this time, keep a car passed there, some car drivers are not to rest next to a passing female sanitation workers is not slow, the wheels stirred spray spattered on her. But she was still squatting there, continue to sweep the. I drove slowly beside her passing, take concrete actions to be said about her respect for it.

I think people who drive one by one wearing a neat T-shirt, face Youguangzengliang, looked indeed very noble appearance. Look at the female sanitation workers, dressed in denim overalls, depressed, looking like a low gas. But after the scene, I do not know who is more noble, who is more humble.

Change of contacts

Turned the ancient poems, many look for friends Masterpiece masterpiece. In our well-known in Tang, there Meng's "enemies had Zhuang," Jia Dao's "Poem encounter", Du Fu's "Southern Sun Li turtle in" and Famous. The poem describes the poet, or search the scene when meeting old friends, to express the friendship between friends. In addition, there are many friends and interesting reminiscences. Edited by Nan Liu Yiqing example of "Shi" in such a thing on the record: Wangzi You Home Sanin, night snow, sleep perception, open room life Zhuojiu, looked in all directions Ran. Result from a loss, Yong Zuo Si Hermit Poems. Suddenly recalling Diane Road. Wearing in the quiet, even by boat on the night. The accommodation party to, the door is not made before the return. People asked why, the Neo: "I this Chengxing and line, Xing Jin and back, why see wearing?" Wang Ziyou by boat to see friends. Day and night after that, but he did not knock on the door and turned back, people asked why? Wangzi You replied: "I had to Chengxing away, have fun and go, you see no harm?"

In ancient times, the road rugged, inaccessible. Go travel, there is no convenient time-saving means of transportation, or riding, or boat, or on foot, tracing friends very easily. On the road anywhere from several months to go, many will have to take a few years. So, go out and friends is a major event in life, literati poet must write this experience down, left to posterity many of the psalms. Sparsely populated in ancient times, walk tens of miles still faceless people, meet strangers they overjoyed, cited as a friend. Ming Zhang Dai's "pavilion to see the snow" on the West Lake pavilion was to meet strangers to see the snow scene. "To the booth, two were laying carpet on the seat, a boy and shochu, stove is boiling. See Yuda Xi, said: 'lake then nothing more to this person?' Pull-over with the drink. I drink three cups and strong Do not ask its name, is the Jinling people off this. "

Into the modern society, the human condition has been greatly improved. Communication and transportation convenience, so that people visiting friends and relatives were increasingly difficult. Cell phones, e-mail, QQ chat tool, you can always contact and distant relatives; travel by train, automobile, aircraft, ancient way to go for one year, most people several hours to. Only facilities, visiting friends and relatives Fandao lost poetic, "Tao Huatan thousand feet deep, not as Wang Lun, I love" scenes will be difficult to reproduce, specifically describe the poetry is rare to visit a friend. People do not know why that is busy, busy kids, busy work, busy job title, busy making money. The graduates, far apart, early fashion links, gradually as scholars sparse hair. Unit has an interest in colleagues, to ingratiate themselves with a rare friend. Society of Friends utilitarian strong, not the interests of the kite as disconnected. Among relatives and friends also feel alienation, poor relatives, the door was difficult to rich relatives.

Now many people are on either side, crowded, avoided like the plague. People put ourselves in building high-rise buildings, the separated foot foot, but not met. Lu-yu stranger, never accosted, for fear that the other is a liar or a robbery, do secretly long fist clutching a battle-ready. For insurance, it afar, those who prefer to pay online the invisible friend.

Cultural concerns

After reform and opening up, we know a huge gap between the West. So we started to learn advanced Western culture, and learn advanced Western management experience. However, in the learning process, we have lost self-confidence, seeking to imitate Hong Kong and Taiwan popular culture, blindly worship Western cultural forms, the only following the lead of the United States and other Western countries, led to the location of our traditional culture continue to be eroded, foreign The dominant culture is gradually occupied the stage in our culture.

Such as architecture, from the 80 on behalf of the future, we are the architects of the architectural forms of copying the West, traditional Chinese architectural form of language was abandoned, of reinforced concrete, glass curtain wall construction filled Wei Zhao form of representation of various Cheng Shi. The temptation in the interests of real estate development, there to protect the value of the old, old buildings are constantly being removed. Such a result, our city architectural features gradually disappear. We go where a city, seems to the same city. Foreigners come to China, they most want to see the Great Wall with Chinese characteristics, the Forbidden City, Beijing courtyard, Lishui Town, South, South park, temple city, etc., will not look like replicas of China's modernization construction.

For example, in language, we learn a foreign language to a appropriate position. Language itself but a cultural exchange between nations and ethnic instruments, not divided into high and low status. But we worship huh language to say that leaving the country proud, regardless of need it do not need, people will require foreign language. Children from kindergarten to learn English, even the Chinese do not learn. Students do not learn at school and professional courses, specialized foreign language. One need only say a few foreign languages, to respect or worship. They also said women marry foreigners leaving the country proud, regardless of whether the knowledge and character to the alien. Some foreigners in the country is actually a poor man, only to charge the top grade in China, but on the contrary by our women of all ages.

For example, in the literary arts, traditional Chinese art gradually gave way to foreign literature and art. Drum Beijing, Tianjin Allegro, Hebei Clapper, Henan Opera, Shaanxi Shaanxi Opera, Shandong quick books have not a trace, young people do not see these programs, full ears of rock, Hong Kong and Taiwan pop songs. In CCTV, the audience is hard to see the traditional Chinese art performances, almost all childish RTHK cavity. CCTV some people engaged in cultural hegemony, they like to broadcast what audiences have to see what the Chinese say they are the killer of a little Chinese culture is not an exaggeration.

Such as films, with the recent clamoring to enter the Oscar, the Academy Award for the film industry seems to not get no achievements. So, seeking to imitate the United States, the film, easily spend several hundred million dollars out a large, fancy, patchwork, looks like great scenes, but in fact white water glass. Why do we want to Oscar as our evaluation criteria, why can not we on our own evaluation criteria, we Chinese say Haojiu Xing, and control him say foreigners.

Now, our national lack of self-confidence. In fact, what is the only nation in the world of things, our Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a widely recognized culture is the envy of foreigners, we do not need a guilty conscience. Western culture has his own characteristics, we absorb their strength on the line, there is no need to provide the full.

A watch

A few years ago, I bought a watch, a Swiss-made automatic tables, price is of course much more expensive than domestically produced. The reason to buy this watch, there are two considerations: First, the easy way out. Battery not replaced, with a too long to save money; Second, there is style. An import table deposited in Phnom Penh, inadvertently exposed from the sleeve head, the number of master table can have a little sense of superiority. Indeed both fame and fortune, is a win-win thing.

First two years of the watch is not anything wrong, take the time very accurate. The past year Naoqi the discord, walking allowed, stop stealing from time to time. Sent to the original repair shop a bit, and that no major problems. Do not wear it, wrist empty. Wear it, believing it vain, frightened cause delay. Want to come to think, have a wonderful forward. I was not there a cell phone pocket Mody, and mobile phones from time to time to look at the time, which is equivalent to a watch with a secretary. Actual output is the cell phone, throw the first darken the watch. Although mobile phones are somewhat lopsided, but there is nothing to do, Who let the others are imported from abroad for?

Studied painting experience

What kind of a child in the growth environment, we learn what kind of things. Example, children who grow up in the country would hoe, a child will grow up in town to eat McDonald's; children who grow up in the business at home will be price increases in the Official Selection of Parents of the children will be gifts.

I was born and grew up in rural areas, more contact is the hammer and sickle, corn millet and the like, exposed to the culture of too little, but they liked to draw, and even affected my future career, wanted to come today, but some sub- logic.

The first exposure to painting, when I entered primary school. The family had made a new wooden cabinet, sent for a painter who painted over the counter. Painter live and eat in our house every day and lay cabinet, with a brush dipped with red and green paint painting peonies and chrysanthemums, painted very bright colors over the counter. This thing in my mind a deep impression, know what it meant to paint. Around fourth grade I was in elementary school when my sister back from school, had a picture of the students, which is drawn sketches and sketches. This gave me this picture to open a window, the original pencil drawing such a picture can be. So, I started shining science, copying the paintings of this painting. Copy of the finished painting, the copy posted on the wall paintings, copying newspaper photos. Other children play after school went to the field, I lie on the kang table at home on the painting. Ah do not know what the basic structure of time, black and white ash ah, ah tone is . This picture I drew a book, and now still preserved. However, I put this album to study painting at the Coban in the daughter of view, evaluation is not high.

Later, in the entrance examination to select satisfactory voluntary, I see and read in college construction projects require some basic drawing, so take it for granted to choose the architectural profession, hit hit hit by mistake, ultimately became the person playing with steel and concrete.

Now, children living in the city is very lucky, want to learn what can be found in professional teacher. Rural children have no such condition, and I do not know how many persons are buried.

A football

I like to watch football, like in Football, and even the national team and tactics I can arrange layout of it, but that will not play, it is always a regret.

About the year-year-old daughter, I suddenly whim, wanted his daughter to play a football the way I practice a basic skills training, give it a try, such as "biography", "shot" of the exquisite and the true meaning. So they went shopping, spent more than 40 yuan money to buy a football. At that time, the soccer price is one-tenth of my salary, only cheaper than professional football a little.

Holding the football, I am elated and daughter went to the house. To the door, I excited by Na not live, we test the foot. I had good footwork, can play are also the two said. While not wishing to kick the strength of this just right, drew a wonderful football arc, vertical mountain walls fly. I do not know how it inch, the wall has a downpipes, gutters have a nail, just hit the nail above the football, fall to spring a few da not jumped. I quickly ran over, picked up and saw a hole in the top bar. Daughter feel something, ask me how that hole in the eye is going on, I hasten to trick that is used to boost the morale of the eye. Daughter said, Dad is not right, how the eyes of two pep ah. No way, I had to actually say, her daughter began to cry. I hasten to coax, that nothing can mend. I ran out and bought a tube of glue, adhesive layers together. Got stick, put a one night, marked the second day air, and her daughter to play outside the playground for a while. Some play more than an hour, the ball deflated, and can not Tixia Qu. Subsequently, each time playing, I simply brought a pump, no gas hit. Kick a few back, a lot of trouble, no interest, no matter which of the following in athletics.

Later, moved house twice, the football I do not know where to go throw up.


Go's Interests

Go early to know, is in the early eighties. Then Go Challenge tournament held in Japan, Nie Weiping straight Japanese players, caused a sensation in the country, affecting many people to learn chess.

Remember that a few units of college students, including a learning machine will be under the old Soviet comrades Go. After work, always someone to play chess with him. Out of curiosity, I stood watching from the beginning not understand. Nature of young people are eager to learn, what are interested in, the more the more interesting things that do not know. Thus, several living comrades bought a single step, to the old Soviet comrades some common sense advice, such as what is eyes, what air, what is live and so on, then put up by Na not live. The beginning of the layout, the disc battle, ending Yigai do not know, is a straight line placed in the end, commonly known as pendulum wall. Two people, the next group of spectators, from time to time hothead reached into the board, or to people who are being pushed under the next person battle.

I did some period of time, the level had increased, they quietly buy a few chess books, stole the recipe from Xinxinbaopeng, wanted to master battle assignment. Chess people have a strange psychological, to win at, but too easy to win is not enough, not want, and low hands, so always looking under the old Soviet Union. But the old Soviet Union look at my low level, but would not the next. Later, there is a business trip, only two of us colleagues, I took a pair of chess. Arrives at a hotel after it began again. Let me first chess game four children, the old Soviet Union took advantage of satiated, without a ride a ride, expanded store-opening fly, I just want to eat a piece of the net. But then I had secretly accumulated a period of time, chess has progressed, with resistance and called a piece of the old Soviet chess eat. Su not look old, some embarrassing, to reinvent the wheel, and down the game, the result so I let me win. Since then, I look for the old Soviet Union, the old Soviet Union is not rejected. I won him twice, he always came back to fishing. So, I had the opportunity to exchange blows with him. Two sons from so to allow a child to the points first, gradually, and he is close. At that time, often do not come home from work, and comrades in the unit to play Go, do not suffer less criticism and self-criticism wife.

Later, because of job transfers, to a new unit. Through chess, came in contact with some new fellow chess player. People playing chess in the plate to each other, gain life and death, but chess is finished, it left a deep impression and became friends. Retired and sit, two or three fellow chess player Minato in a pile at large chess, drink, also take a relaxing their music. Recently get older, but also embarrassed channeling outside, and have time to play chess online, very convenient, and his wife do not lie, that have business outside the.

Through chess, can see a person's character. For example fractious people, playing chess would not admit defeat, death Chan rotten play, strong I am full, not leaving a child does not admit defeat, died of chess to side can not, we should also get it live. Tempered hothead, expanded store-opening fast, too easy, How many pieces were eaten by children, it was furious, the pieces of a Huala, to reinvent the wheel. People with high rest, playing chess is not urgent is not slow, tepid, eat dead chess, not anxious to eat, until forced opponents take the initiative to throw in the towel.

Writing itch

Interest on the writing, from the start with a child. I can remember when the Cultural Revolution of the late, that the early seventies. Then the children, there is no literature books to read, especially in rural areas, and no books, and a bunch of kids all day together Feng Pao. Pre-school access to the text, that some brush on the wall slogans, such as the "Da", "Industrial School Daqing", "Down with the × × ×" and the like, also recited over the socialist line, as to what is across the Yellow River, cross the Yangtze River, why should cross the Yellow River, across the Yangtze River also get it. In addition to textbooks, the first contact with the book is the big brother from the town bought two, "Little Red Guards", was a children's literature publications, which have some stories, and some colorful paintings, on view from became interested in the book. To the fourth grade, when recognized more words, to look at some novel, and like "spring wildfire fighting city", "Water Margin", "Romance of Three Kingdoms." Also saw a "Poetry 300," most of the poems by heart. After reading some poetry by learning to accept not live to write poetry. Here are some excerpts the first to write a poem: "Corps soldiers drive large, black soil piled build small dams. Soul Silver Dragon Tour to earth, happy married drainage water." Now look at is not poetry, is doggerel. Passion up, the emulate write a novel, characters are listed in Table apparent seriousness, the idea of the story. Content of the novel is the story of the fighting, is subject to the then feature films and novels such as the film "Tunnel Warfare", "mine warfare" novel "Red Poppy field", "Tongbai Hero" to the effects. Letter document graffiti, write a few pages not written down, the draft has now disappeared. I have a laptop also retained to the present, which records the time I was writing poetry. Sometimes out, self-appreciation, so that her daughter look at her daughter spotted two, say you write the words a child so bad Yeah, it threw side.
High school, I have better language scores, college entrance examination results is also high. Time to volunteer in the newspaper reports of Arts, but his father does not agree that the arts are engaged in political thinking, the future is dangerous, better to learn good science. There were a word, is "to learn physics and chemistry, traveled the world are not afraid", the final report of the building. But today, a look, Polytechnic University of laid-off people either. After school work, mechanical problems all day long Operator, operator structures, human way of thinking has shifted gradually, less romantic temperament, more rational thinking and writing interest in literature went down to the back of the head. On the object when the fixed object to such a writing, a love letter not to write several letters, one hand, and power is gone, too lazy to do it again. To work later, lying on drawing board, housing construction site, an office, tinkering with computers, and occasionally wrote some text, but are some of the final report and papers and the like, are stereotyped writing the article. Now communication is well developed, people have to communicate by phone, best regards, see characters such as the face does not like to write a letter, often written about in the document to sign it, and "have read" "agree" category, then Simple.
In recent years, popular online forum and blog, that really fun read, published an article is easy, do not edit the cap in hand to eat, do not bother to modify the labor editor, a button press, the article on the publication came out. By theoretical calculation, the whole world have the opportunity to see, but it depends on people willing to look. In fact, this is over quickly, or is called self-healing. Published an article, Ge Jitian look, as if they had a baby, out to dry in the sun. No one to see it does not matter, not sell the goods in my possession to eat. I plan to post on the Internet to gather together to issue a unified printing, binding. Press Press called home (not the writer Press). Impression is not written, printed too much at home there is nowhere to put.

Think of grandma

I sleep environment is generally not critical, to lie down on the, sleep through the morning. Today, train travel, I do not know why the middle of the night awake, tossing in the sleeper on the train wheels "rattle when the" "rattle when the" sound, the door was forced open mind, suddenly brings me back to childhood, think of my grandma.

That was 70 years before and after the home is in a remote rural northeast. My family and grandmother who lived together, grandma family house in the East, my home in Westinghouse. From the moment I can remember playing, our brothers in the care of grandmother grew up. Naughty suffer because their parents fight, it will go to grandma's house and hide, this meal hit even dispense. Grandmother's house we frequented, grandma would always give us some of the goodies. Courtyard ripe tomatoes and cucumbers, Granny will be picked first, given our small Chanmao. What is missing in learning products, such as pencils and notebooks like, grandma will be pulled from his pocket a few cents to me, I went to Le Diandian supply and marketing cooperatives buy it back. The reason I love to learn, to have this performance today, and my grandmother on the support of learning are inseparable.

Grandma was a ingenuity of the people, will Diego gourd, painting over the counter, paper-cut people. Dragon Boat Festival's time to hang the door gourd, Chinese New Year, when the door close to the "safe" word, this is my first recognize Chinese characters. Then I like painting, like calligraphy, carved hanging like money, love reading, and nurturing grandmother has a direct relationship. Grandma can do their own soy sauce, cooking with soy, then fermented, and then I do not know how will be darkened, in a dark soy sauce bucket to Lek, a delicious taste can be.

Grandmother 60 years old, got sick, and now recall that coronary heart disease. Frequent chest pain, occasional vomiting blood. At that time, rural areas lack of medical treatment, but please take a look around the village doctor, drink decoction. Seriously ill when pushed to tens of miles with a car outside the town, hospitals, homes for a few days. Remember that some people recommend something called "adenosine triphosphate" drug, is effective, and family get to dig around, finally bought a box, marked with a box of the future, nor can save grandma's life. Now, I had economic conditions, no matter what expensive medicine, I could afford, and grandmother's illness, what disease is also lot of money, but the grandmother has been gone, people knows very rare.

I sometimes think, different people have different times fate. At that time, the family was poor governance is not onset, life would rely on himself. Current economic conditions are good, ill be able to receive timely treatment, life expectancy will be extended. However, the conditions of my family is OK, but the countryside, people, does it not, and 30 years ago, the same fate as grandma does, I do not know.

Toothache feeling after

A few days ago, I killed a toothache, do not look quite passed, and forced herself to go to the hospital. Dentists against light, in my view has some mouth up and down, then start all kinds of bizarre scheduling tool. I watch for to steal a glance, some drills, axes, pliers, screwdriver blade and the like, in my mouth for four hours work, anesthetics, pumping nerves, plus steel piles, filling plastic, such as car repair masters generally dig get. came back, half of the face and some swelling, Zuanxin to pain. weekday meal campaign simple, actually become very difficult. habitual chewing used to the lavish meals, and now touch too scared to touch, others watched the wolf annexing Tiger swallow, his only bowl of gruel.

A friend of mine know that I have a toothache, to comfort me. I said to him, you are now have a good teeth, eat anything, eat anything incense, you're the world's most happy, I'm envious of you. Now, what good things I do not want, into a pile of money, a house, job promotion, I do not want to, just give me a good teeth on the line, let me quickly get something to eat, nothing to eat into ah.

The original, human desire is escalating, just look to health, I eat milk on the line, then eat whole grains, and then later we should eat delicacy. But when you suffer from toothache, you understand what you desire and requirements should be is a little bit, eat fed on the line. Good at finding the happiness you already have, you will always be happy.

The dying years of flavor

I do not know things for the sake of change or the older, more and more light on the years of experience. The best years, or in memory, remain in the distant childhood.
I remember the time in the country, one to the twelfth lunar month, the family began to get busy. Mothers to spend time with cleaning the house, children should wash feet, put on new clothes to do, dress up the next new, walking in the street, people look their total suspicion. Then is steamed rice cakes, steamed BEAN BAG. The yellow rice ground into a face, I remember using a horse-drawn stone, grinding the corn flour mixed with a good surface, in a large bowl, made in the heat kang. Hair Okay, stick a package sitting on the kang BEAN BAG. Neighbors or relatives of the girl will come and help, a group of people sitting together, chatting and laughing. Wrap, and put the pot steaming, after starting out on the curtains on the outside get freeze up, this winter will not need to steam up. Then that package frozen dumplings. And on a large pan of flour, and then, and on a large pan of stuffing, wrapped up on the outside also freeze up and are cooked breakfast each day in the first month frozen dumplings. To 28, his father began to dig the yard out of frozen pork, place of cold water, and then on the pot. Back home, Yixian curtain, watching his mother in the ground past men working on the house hot steam steaming, the aroma flutter from the children's feelings on the excitement, eagerly looking forward to good things to eat. New Year's Eve night, a group of people sit together, dumplings, he stayed to listen to crosstalk. The family had no television to watch, if any, and watch the Spring Festival Evening stars Dance Macabre, not to the ancestors for the shell-shocked. The only entertainment is to play a poker, or to provide a lantern outside the sect, a club into the West family out, marching on the road of snow, spot squash. Who started to go to relatives stopping by, to the elders to pay, and knock a header into the corner will be the second angle ranging from New Year's money. Pear fruit to eat is frozen, the best drink is tea. However, there is a little special year, a relative brought home two bottles of cider, while adults out of the martial arts, my brother and stealing wine, taste sweet, drink up and can not be stopped, the result flushed drinking, waiting, lying kang Shuileyitian. Although the poor then, but still flies all joy.
Back in town after the New Year feeling light year after year. Pockets are not short of money, buy a lot of things, but do not want to do, basically to buy ready-made. To buy several bags of frozen dumplings, the restaurant, in the refrigerator, is not required to package frozen dumplings. Building to the people do not know, you go to someone's New Year? Put a firecracker, but also to find a place for fear of fire, fear of surprise to others. To the child's New Year's money, not the corner of the second corner, but 1 000 2000, will not lead to a head knock. Children do not walk around carrying a lantern, or played computer games, or sitting in front of the television and Jay training nunchakus.
I think that is a kind of happiness and hard experience, is compared to exist, is not absolute, is relative. When you do not realize that hard when you're happy. When you work with their limited income, carefully calculating the buy something, gusto to eat, that is the most happy. Even if you have a lot of money, you talk to buy, buy things piling up, but you can not feel how delicious these things, nor do I feel so happy.
Next year, I never been to an annual account to the countryside.

Visit arch bridge

I went to Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, a railway station, easily bought a map. Back to the hotel, sitting in bed, I began to browse the map marked with the scattered relics. Most attracted me is the arch bridge in Zhao County, when a child learning to know the history of arch bridge, textbooks in the picture in my mind has left very deep scars. Later, I study civil engineering, to know the history of bridge building arch bridge in the position to zero distance to look at the arch bridge, is a person engaged in building the dream. Trip to Hebei, although the tight schedule, so much, but would also like to see for themselves, or they will regret for life. Almost see things arranged, I am finally out of the day, visit dreamed of arch bridge.

This morning, my focus from Shijiazhuang South Terminal take a small bus, drove to the south of Zhao County. Out of the noisy city, the endless North China Plain showing in front of people's hearts open up immediately. Relaxing and warm in the winter sun shining, not the slightest chill. Scattered villages, rows of trees, weaving a net in vertical and horizontal. Fields and a stretch of a stretch of winter wheat, glowing blue, added to the infinite life for the North China Plain. In my limited scope of historical knowledge, I know that Yan and Zhao earth is the main birthplace of Chinese culture through the ages, celebrities giving birth. "Come Yishui Han Feng Xiaoxiao, a warrior to Come Nevermore," Emperor and the Assassin's story spread over two thousand years. Lian Po abject apology, and Lin Hsiang-ju will phase and the story is still popular. Bian Que, Zu Chong Zhi, Li Tao Yuan, Zhao Mengfu these celebrities, has also been admired by the people and the memorial. With respect I am feeling, watching Hebei counterparts who suspect perhaps they are the descendants of these celebrities. My ancestors also migrated to the northeast from Hebei, visit to Hebei, had to add a feeling of a plume of roots.

Motors for about an hour, to the Zhao County. The original arch bridge there are still three years away from the county, in the Zhaozhou Town. The car, an ancient architectural style of the door comes into view, the original bridge has been around in the park, protected, and close look at the bridge to enter the park. Walk from the park entrance to the near Bridge, on to. I saw a stone bridge across the river, the setting sun like a rainbow in the middle is a large arch, two small arches on each side, yes, this is the world-famous arch bridge.

I checked about Zhao County Tourism Bureau of the data, on the designer Chun, only found in Tang Zhongshu Ling Zhang Jiazhen book "The bridge Ming": "Zhaozhou Jiaohe Ishibashi, Sui Chun Carpenter traces also create strange, know what people thought. "In addition, the historical records is no longer any detailed records. Comprehensive historical data have been found, arch bridge is the cause of the early years of the Sui Dynasty (around AD 605) built by craftsmen Chun, is a hollow arc-shaped stone arch bridge, clear span 37m, Width 9m, arch height loss of 7. 23m, each with two shoulders in the arch ring, ranging from web arch span, this would both reduce the bridge body weight, save material, but also to facilitate drainage, increased beautiful. Arch bridge design concept and process of the compact, is second to none in our bridges, in Europe until the mid-19th century appear to like this open shoulder arch, later than 1200 years in China. Arch bridge for the people for the benefit of 1300 years, through the wind, frost, snow and rain erosion, and 8 earthquakes of the attacks, the river still stands.

Existing arch bridge is the generation of renovations after the founding of 50. Unfortunately, between the bridge repair was a new feeling of some, stone is very smooth, not variegated, vicissitudes of feeling, like new. I would like to maintain the ancient buildings, may wish to learn about the experience of foreign countries, as repairing the old old, keep it real old feel.

Bridge of the following is the historical records of xiao River, but is now not much water. There is a tributary of the park outside, still dripping with water, but an odor as if the wastewater plant, a bit unpleasant.

Interest to study the origin of

I like reading, like the bookstore. Every time the streets, bookstores are must dos. On a business trip, there are always ways to stroll around the local bookstore. Over time, the family piled the books. Why contracting chronic illness, and experiences as a child probably some connection.
I hour decentralized rural areas, grew up drinking well water. In accordance with the normal development of the logic of things, know and love should be the buggy whip, shovel to the hoes and the like, may I now ranks among the migrant workers, was to drink to exclusion and will not be literate , rhetorical exercise, go to the online full elegant. At that time the poor house, no house in item. Wall there were two locked cabinets, which could not bear to wear except a few clothes, I could not devote any good things to eat. Only that there is a box elder brother, always lock tightly, caught my fascination. When he was at home, watching a tight grip, let me move. When he was taking a trip, I began to play with, and finally from the top of the lid opened, some of the original books are hidden inside. I sneaked out from the inside to look at a few books, a girl of Big Brother to come back, and then put away stood by. In this way, I read many books, can remember a novel "Wild Fire, Spring ancient struggle", but also a poetry, also writing poems and so on Big Brother. This box of books I actually played a culture interested in reading.
Now the family is not locked bookcase, book display was neat, do not charge any effort to take the book, but do not want their children watched. For children, curious, the more things keep moving, the more he likes action; the more we let him move something, the more he does not like moving.
Other things in life too. The more you like, but why is not easy to get, the more readily available, but you chose not to like. Such as the title of the people, we do not like, can be chosen to easy to get; such as money, we all like, can be chosen to not easily accessible.

Optical sights of Xiamen

We are a project using a building material, manufacturers in Beijing and Xiamen, so click on the manufacturers to study.
January 13 morning, fly direct to Beijing for one day run the three companies, almost around the Beijing's Fifth Ring road race in a circle, mainly the production equipment, to understand the performance of enterprises. Back to the hotel, is already 10 pm, more.
January 14 morning, fly to Xiamen, 13:00 more arrived in Xiamen Gao Qi Airport. Manufacturers sent in at the airport waiting, chatted a few, took us drove to the factory, the original factory in Zhangzhou Nanjing County, from where more than 70 kilometers. Car forward galloped along a panoramic view. This band is basically hilly landscape, mountains are not too high, but few ground. Although the winter, but there is still a green field, the roadside from time to time to see palm trees and banana trees swaying Lu posture. About 1 hour, we arrived at the factory. Located in Nanjing, east of town, there are two new factories, office building. We turn full circle within the plant to understand the situation of the device, view the production process, read through some of the information production technology. Sat down in the office, responsible comrades of the specialized manufacturers asked us to taste the local production of this tea. Southerners and northerners do not drink tea, as a significant rough northern, affordable, grab a glass of tea into a bigger, the rush of hot water, a cup with a cup to drink. But the southerners very particular about tea, everyone put in front of a small mug, a small cup with a brew master well, and turns down to, one bite, the taste of drinking and card Zamo. This brew full of flavor and aftertaste, but I am afraid when thirsty urgent emergency save. After drinking tea, the way in to the hotel, the owner invited us to visit some of southern trees, such as longan, mango, bananas and so on. Tree is less than two high, the branches grow from the middle of a banana string, a tree will end a string of bananas, hanging three or four rows from top to bottom, cut off time of harvest, this tree and he died lost, next to The branches to issue a new, next year's rotation results. After dinner, we spent all night back in Xiamen, boat ride on the Gulangyu. Gulangyu and Xiamen in close proximity, which is 10-to-minute boat looks like. We live in Gulangyu night.
The next morning, tour Gulangyu. Gulangyu is not actually an area of about 1.77 square kilometers, across the urban area across the Lujiang, Yin Xinan beach reef point by wave impact, sound like thunders and said Gulangyu. Island on the Gang Luan ups and downs, blue water, white clouds, green trees, pavilions, gives a clean and quiet feeling. May be the reason there is no wind, I have not heard the voice of Gulang. The highest mountain in the island called the Sunlight Rock, the peak has a diameter of more than 40 meters of rock volley stands, national hero Zheng Chenggong had stationed themselves there to recover Taiwan. There are many ancient scholars mountain stone Ode, added old feeling. Boarding the very top, panoramic view of Xiamen Islands, southeast of the Taiwan island of Kinmen. See, however, sky and sea, presenting one group of tropical scenery. The weather here the minimum is 10 degrees, the highest degree of 20 years, I came to wear the sweater becomes redundant. But I find it troublesome and has been wearing, actually survives, it is not the only coat to wear in a cold place.
Afternoon visit the city of Xiamen. Xiamen is actually an island, there are two bridge link with the land. In general, the Xiamen city planning done well, building density is not large, architectural leaves around a relatively ample space, the city does not seem crowded. Green is also very characteristic, very level, species embody the style of the tropical city. Modern architecture is still similar style, good news from time to time in the palm tree Lu, emphasizing the difference here.

Body experience

Song Su Shi wrote a poem: "cross as many different angles, near and far different level, do not know the true colors, only from within the mountain." Poetic implication is that because the status of different people and see The starting point is different from the objective understanding of things is different. What kind of people in an environment, there will be what kind of experience; what kind of experience, there is what kind of consciousness. Those struggling for a living all day, folks, the New Year meal dumplings on beaming up; while the wealthy who are pampered, eating sea cucumber with abalone taste also chew wax.
Here, I am reminded of an incident in history. In the King Hui Sima Zhong times a year there is a major disaster, people have no food to eat, only by eating grass, Guanyin Tu eat, many people starved to death. Memorial on the National Lifeline sent around the palace, King Hui, after listening to the minister of Memorial on very puzzled, said: "The people no rice to eat, why eat Rouyu it?." King Hui reason to say this speech is almost to tears, then living in the palace because the emperor, always willing to sweet fat, did not know to what ordinary people eat. But in modern times, the same occurred in a thought-provoking things. Northeast of a city of a district government, in order to express the concern of urban poor, in the New Year, the Government served a meal uniform, boring menu above red snapper, salt baked shrimp, boiled crabs and some other dishes. Of course, the organizers of the banquet was well-intentioned, some of the leadership in these normally eat the things that make ordinary people to try it. But people who lack most is rice and flour oil, salt, this dish is enough money to pay one month's living expenses they had.
No common experience, people deal with the problem will differ. Enforcement of road traffic order, are often blamed for pedestrians jaywalking, affecting motor vehicle access. However, transport facilities are not considered for the past pedestrians, far away from the establishment of a pedestrian access only, but also the distribution of green time for pedestrians is very short, the older half of those who went the red light on the changes. So pedestrians have to risk crossing a street, causing a car accident a tragedy. Some cities have even canceled the bike path, so cyclists and motor vehicles peers, how can non-traffic accidents. It is those grieving the loss of innocent lives, but these tragedies is avoidable, if we think carefully, take some response. Why did not the pedestrian traffic safety for more thinking about it, because the prevailing rules of the road by people who set car seat, he has forgotten a pedestrian experience, of course, will not give more consideration to pedestrian power.
Among the social life, some problems have been noisy and constantly criticized, but solutions are very slow. Universities such as the problem of high fees, people have been talking about. But education authorities have repeatedly declared that education fees are reasonable, certain speakers also talked about high-end clothes, no money do not buy the view. The reason why he said that, I guess a lot of money of his income to pay the costs of their children to school as minimal and not the workers and peasants as well pinched. Price regulation as well. Regulation of prices, leading some of the family thing was ready and not actually buy anything, so he do not feel the price increases, in the face of rapidly rising prices, such as playing a general anesthetic.
Human experience is not static, as changes in the environment will change. A person at the bottom when there is always hope, stable jobs and stable income. However, once climbed a solid position, condescending and not need to worry, he would forget what they have experience, are always trying to set the framework subordinates and let them nervous, too live in peace.

Finally watched a movie

Sunday, I watched a movie. From the previous movies, has been formed for 20 years.
On this day, I had plans and wife go shopping first and then the children home. After the stroll, there are three hours off the time, no work, can not continue visiting the mall for three hours of it, say I have been shopping have backache leg pain. Proposed a movie lover, you can buy the excess is less pair of shoes, I would like to have a good deal. As a result, led the seventh floor of the theater lover to shopping malls, are shown on the screen describes the three films, a film of passion in Hong Kong, the United States shooting a film, this is the film I hate. Only 1 made the film, called "Curse of the Golden Flower", director Zhang Yimou told the actors called Gong Li. The two men I seem to have heard talk, pretty familiar. Decided to look at the Department. One asked price, startling 40 yuan per ticket. Dude, this should be in the past, is my month's wages. But as to the total Buzhi Yu back down. Front of the young people, for the companion ticket is not at play fear on, we can not ball dropped. Buy, look.
Patiently read, able to witness the large demeanor. The story of the Tang Dynasty, the circumstances surrounding the imperial palace to start an affair took place, the Queen and Prince fornication, Prince Edward, and another physician's daughter fornication, and this physician is also the daughter of the emperor's daughter, so the story entirely is Mr. Cao Yu's drama "Thunderstorm" promise. Then is to kill, kill little Prince Edward, then kill the emperor, the emperor was killed by anti-; two princes to kill the emperor, as emperor gathering in, forced to commit suicide, lackluster plot. Screen as newspaper advertising, as colorful, great scenes, but absolutely not the actual battle scenes, as computer animation made from the same. Court building with carved beams, but the European court looked feverish. I think a total art work to promote positive thinking a bit, shot a cost of 360 million yuan this large, present the public is that these things?
Poor pair of shoes I have.


Pick up a pen not only happy

Accidentally saw this sentence: pick up a pen on the old!
Pick up a pen on the old!
See this sentence, what would you think? Smiled, and then not agree it?
I do not agree with this view, pick up a pen can make people think faster and mature more love more love life. Had not seen even more soft and well-being; even if we find the same full of sadness and helplessness; even if we leave again and again and again lost, not only time, but also belief.
Life is still beautiful, moving.
Date from between the fingers through the long period of neglect, took easily to you my strong, beautiful, and most of the green years, leaving only a trace of transparent prints.
Time goes by, are not allowed to say old.
I am still a loner who enjoy the simple life, always a smile on his face, do not feel warm, do not feel tired, but calm, as bystanders look like everything, in the corner singing to yourself, write for yourself.
Beginning to enjoy and keep a distance around, so as not to hurt, who will not break it to the others calm, because I love this simple, quiet life.
Start in life to play a silent role, in the quiet corner to listen to your voice and see Yunjuanyunshu.
I wrapped in the warmth of their own into the cold, I let my passion is more pure.
In fact, I just waiting, waiting quietly blooming miracle that warm.
Out the window, the sky gray, the sky is common in Chengdu. Along with several lingering rain, the heat had disappeared, the pace of the fall already approached, the wind accompanied, and even be comfortable. This time, there is no sound of the leaves rustle Gloomy anxiety and wandering, just calm water, short of ethereal. Occasionally there will be 12 birds flying leisurely, lonely waving wings, no way to identify with my flight, leaving behind traces of illusory.
Very empty, very light.
Sometimes a person look at the crystal old, memory as yellow film, fuzzy and clear.
Although most of the time to live in strong, it will inevitably at some point by some small things that involve vulnerable.
Past the old taste and those who are can not bear to touch the wound, stacked in a quiet corner of the wind out of date, we will send rustle.
In order to stay away from, in order to return to self, I learned to write at the computer, as written in the water, emerged a little bit, a little away, remaining only more dazed eyes.
I square, smelling like a rose light a tiger, with a total not catch it in the U.S., but deeply attracted by its aroma, and could not bear to leave.
Writing is a very private matter, such as travelers walk in the mountains, so palpable is not just flowers, grass and trees and fog, as well as shadowing of loneliness.
Thus, the more write more lonely, more isolated the more intoxicated the more writing, as if into a cycle of light and shadow disorder.
But I can not stop, otherwise they will be more confused and helpless, could not find a trace to go by, and comfort.
Text looked faded, I told myself that they never come back.
Lonely, really lonely, and even some pain.
Numb the pain better than sober.
After cooling the body, blood still flows through many years.
This is Gu Cheng said.
But he committed suicide.
Perhaps he is just a soul coming into this world too early, not clear his mission, had sad course back. This is very much a relief, but he has still not strong enough.
Gray sky outside the window suddenly reveal a light blue, on a small piece of it was kind of desperate gray around.
The aircraft's voice across the ears, it will not pass through the blue hole, I flew to another strange place far away?
This reminds me of San Mao, when she returned to East Berlin from West Berlin, deeply addicted to go on the deep blue lake, is always to stay in the bleak city, and that this is what a sad.
Quietly watching the patch of blue sky, I take it lightly smile, as when listening to Beethoven's Adagio look.
Heart, something in the struggle, but quietly.
Some people like the bird world as I rush from flying, not the end of the traces. I even kept the soul the dust, much of the injury, every day is still on the road, because the wind was still blowing, life continues.
Health is always people yearn for.
The existence and you have no doubt that the years I have restless but quiet, the most beautiful scenery.
Evening when a man walking in the street, many people, they are nothing but indifference.
Lights in the wind the light, faint shadow on such an elongated, distorted, like a strange bird.
Moments passing by, inadvertently released a glimpse of the shadow of the window glass _______ smiling woman that is very hard, the wind in a very fast pace, but a heavy rush.
Back home, sitting on desk, holding tea, the drink carefully those rich liquid, left is a touch of incense. This is your sent, though a simple thing, very ordinary, but always makes sweet mind.
Really, do not have to care about how long this extraordinary day, so long as more and more treasure taste is like.
I know, I always knew, smiling.
There is a happy simply belonging to a person.
Is a Ah, I should not demand too much, the fate of God I am very cruel and very generous, I would like to thank it.
Finally, I pick up a pen to write these words, think of that has been very distant from their own dream, a little tired, but still smiling.
Pick up a pen or blessing.
We are all waiting for those who want to _______ fantastic and the brutal reality of injuries.
Who is Who in the cocoon? Who is Who in the pupa?

Stock market situation

The stock market is like life, no security instability.
The past few days, A shares plunge again and again, you affect not to my heart.
Holding the same stocks, with an exposure to the waves, you and I just suffer in silence.
Wind, waves, rapids ......
You say, with a common fate.
S the deal. I laughed.
The stock market is a poppy flower, beauty is always some evil, we have deeply confused by it, unable to stop, then whom grief day and night, pray for it and tangle.
Whenever the stock market opened, we see the twists and turns off the average Nagqu above, piled with thick notes. Money shot quickly, like Kingston's dancer's skirt. Looked up, then a beautiful green grass dotted with a little scattered red flowers, has gone against the tide daily limit, and has stabilized rebound. As the capsules of ruby, and if Bitian in the stars, or just Bathing beauties. Chilly wind carried past, tape brought little comfort, as if uncertain of the song distant tower, a word not all positions that you and I share a few.
This time, with index heavyweight would have trembled slightly as fast as lightning, it was chilly wind engulfed instant depleted. Equity is a side by side to hit bottom next to dense, it will have a Ning Bi hearted wave. Down limit is rapidly shrinking share capital under, cover, and can not see a little red and green was more a scene.
Capital, like water, quietly disappeared in the waves on a green.
Extreme panic began to spread havoc.
Bile stock and index as if immersed, and like cage on the veil is a nightmare dream _______ though, the front there is a mass of seemingly within reach of hope, so do not want to wake up. But I thought it was all to the good ________ money is indispensable, losing money is also tastefully.
Sadness of the investors are naturally gloomy face, at first glance like a cloud of smoke; while making their style is more flavor in the smoke. This dog eat dog for most investors, the heart trouble.
Looking back, twists and turns of the K line movements, hints of like to rebound, only some of the effect Bale. Grapevine is also a trace of one or two years to up the intention, languid, too fat, is a set of green eyes. The most lively, and to several media theorists and pundits; but this animation was theirs, you and I have nothing.
Thought of this, I think of those new stock issues. IPO is the focus of everyone competing, it seems very early, and when the height of oil; said to purchase new shares are more impulsive teenagers, they are open car, humming a ditty Ji Ben away, emotions are running high, the harvest is unexpected. Or Liangyuan Di foresight, in the "new shares Fu" in when he said: Unhappy man was crazy, crazy smashing Meng take. Index Xu Hui Ying loss not arrived; Yu did not buy the daily limit, to be want to sell have been kept gray. Thus was exciting for subscription of new shares. It really is a matter burn Fortunately, I do not care about you so busy.
Stocks now, I deeply understand the stock market is not myth, shares God does not exist. But why have so many people clamoring to be famous as the stock market, when the super stock analysts? Celebrity tired to do, Do they not understand this What?
People can rely on the entertainment celebrity sex scandal, by Yanzhao, by intention may intentionally or unintentionally emptied of its intention to appear to attract eyeballs, but they do, we should not build tall, with no appearance looks to accomplish a little brain, but all day long high-sounding, as if he were born soprano singer, but I do not know his emotional singing a song after the star addiction, eyes down a dark mass is lost that can not distinguish the direction of their small, scattered, self-pity!
Hey, Do not you see, rolling in the Yangtze River East and tide waves Tao Jin hero. Success or failure turned non-empty.
Careful calculation, the huge China, investors billions of dollars, have build a face, and will of God in the stock market machine Miaosuan Perhaps only the "Stunner" Chen Hao one. Chen Yan Yan Yiyue for beauty red lamps, a large-scale buying junk stocks called ST Black Dragon, actually not worried about losing all this stock verge of delisting, the suspension was off 3 years later, the Ravens become the Phoenix, Chen beauties battle Stormreaver 10 times earnings, that the United States more than usual can be a hard play.
My love, I love your analysis and stock market, you make me steadfast, give me peace of mind, although sometimes slightly mistakes, but they are from a careful analysis of fundamentals and technicals come, is well-founded . Unfortunately, our Chinese stock market is a policy market, often not by reason the cards.
We now in the hands of the stock, you said it was far from blue-chip status, but you can call it "a rich subject matter of stock performance and stability." It is a quiet and remote shares, bull market also can not get up, a bear market, the more tragic. But the way you hold, or to fill Meng has also had a productive session.
Confidence is gold, give us more time in the hands of the stock. You say.
So, you like a river fisherman, leisure exposure to the Landscape, Scenery in the Courtyard trot.
And me? In contrast, the extremely ashamed. There will always bear the loneliness, and often do not listen to you to persuade, since to do stand. Always Watching this mountain and I feel that high mountains, often that wonderful huge growth curve and confused by the amount of days, did not hesitate to vote this ticket into the shot that, although the event into the daily limit on the total, because of too greedy, shot time control is not good, the end is nothing. So you blame me polygamous, half-hearted, not like you only like one. Hey, this is really really happy flower drum transfer, failed to keep the money.
Face of A shares tumbled, I do not despair. I want to work with you to pay close attention to the hands of the chips Bu Songshou, off the gate wait goes casual days eyes.
Finally, let you and I make a poem come to the end of this article, "Discovering the Golden Triangle":

Read like crazy
Closer to life again
Accept the years of repeated washing
Slow down the pace of the wind
With hot attitude
Feelings of terror gray
Through the eyes of the sun
With a blunt straightforward
Targeting the expression of red and green
That will be a joyful song of the Golden Triangle
Guarding the winding depths of
In the contemplation and paranoia among the
With some form of
An obsessive detachment that

________ Gu

Dance of the river, taken away
Not only delight the eyes
Blend of Ice and Fire
I do not regret the chase are
Spring soon as Growl
Torrent down grass
Hoist the sails of hope, you upstream
Rocks, through air, a thousand sail ferry dispute
August circuitous waterway once
Proliferation, cold, screaming all the
Are the heartbeat of traces
Golden Triangle of the light and pulled
Bones of life, toward
The direction of expansion of Desire
With unyielding posture, Quan decorated with
Endless love


Hill rod

When I look far away, when my heart is still thought of you, forever strangers!
Spring has long gone, too, must go in summer, osmanthus fragrance of the day, you will follow the autumn Tayue but to What?
You do not say anything, such as the sky clouds, misty again.
Leaned over, I asked withered lotus, meet exactly at what time is it at the red autumn, or winter snow have? It does not answer, only to level the bowed our heads, quietly hidden depths of the lotus leaf.
Permanent stranger, you were not waiting by the gradual lengthening dry the past, day and night without leaving.
How can only put a little heart so big miss?
The night comes, the more bright lights of the city more lonely, street, crowd, laugh, have fled in my eyes, collapse.
I am like a bubble inflated, breathing progressively more difficult, only Hong Zhaoyan repeatedly Tolerance, not quiet so as not to send voice.
Really want to endorse the moon in water, then How many pieces thin fishing stars, thus you imagine the shadow of China and the United States, how materials are easily broken on the floor.
So, I can only dream Looking back on the track, Ce Zhang hills.
Hill is just a noun. It is under my feet can feel time slowly solidified into rock.
Cao Jian passing wind, rolling hills floating in the moonlight, hidden in the crevices of rocks and bugs with hiding their feelings without saying a word. Only brown birds, flying into the sky, a group of another group of swing, first wing was gone, and term trees swaying in the wind like a spring of clear laughter.
Put aside all the pomp and vanity, I stood on the high hill to see the blue sky of clouds, watching the river and the streams filling the spring, there are rocks, wearing empty. Gradually, I grew up and became a staunch old trees within the nature, glow in the fresh spring buds, but not swagger, but strong like a rock, quiet as mountains.
And you, my eternal stranger, in your direction, where my only look into the distance.
Time zips by, the wind shifted to move on.
Konoha outcry, fly, like all the time flashing a clear gloss lonely, galloped over my body, move to the hills to the back of falling down. They certainly would come back, by the way, I took fleeting, even if all the downtown has nothing to do with me, even if you are a permanent stranger would I affectionately call again.
Leave the world alone to die, but who is also escape the conclusion.
Death was terrible, I just want to win more time in the high hills will be staring you again, blessings, even miss the string pulling pain is not always a strong mind.
As for what time of death, how to die, and i really do not think too much.
Perhaps, like most people, the infirm, the death took the opportunity to grasp my arm, I put on for the narrow cold black iron clothes, like a stone cast into the lake, like me, deep down, so ripples gradually stopped, the water regain calm.
If the ripple does not stop, then the world will be how the turmoil and unrest. More, of course, if you know the people living below the beautiful calm without a pile that is not fragrant bones, which can cherish a good mood, looking at a beautiful lake created imagine Bik, such as Lake may be buried below 10 Du Mother sank jewelry, or coal, or the legendary mermaid.
This loss is extremely indecent and impact on the environment. Might as well dig a pit and buried, filled, let the grass grow back, even with the surrounding landscape into one. If someone asked, or a permanent stranger you Laixun me, "Where is she?"
"Do not know."
No one knows where I am, then you can play to their imagination Hui-hung, feel me everywhere. If I was to know, will smile, laugh as a youngster so innocent and sweet.
But more often, I always dream to see his suddenly died in an accident, did not have time to bid farewell to you and all my family, and because of lifeless ugly, usually deliberately destroyed to maintain the image of all, came to the hasty See my last side of the left do not want to remember your appearance. At that time, if my soul is still wandering the air will be deeply disturbed, self-blame, sigh, shame and regret.
Thought to want to go, might as well put in his own shell fire, scattered in the wind, down from a clean ______ although I do not like fire.
To give you leave a good impression, no matter what time I should die more comfortably, look better, so that you occasionally remember the days after me, is my good. Perhaps this sounds very funny.
All because I love you, would care so much about your ideas, and even death way.
Death can occur at any time, if death comes, I will openly face. However, when alive, please allow me to work to your deep love you in a way, your name carved into the beautiful heart of hearts, so that life from full, full.
I decided, in the remaining days of love for you to like the snowflake, quietly underground, have underground, in your sleep when Hou.
When first snow has not completely melted, followed by another under a, have, the light, the overwhelming, when you finally find snow in the next, and the next very big, he himself had been wrapped in a thick one layer.
This is the only thing I can do to you.

Lost time is never

Cave through the deal to sub-tunnel, our car finally usher in a bright, appears in the four sides of mountains, like frogs.
The small winding street is the waist of weeds, in our eyes have not fully meet the sunshine, under a stone in the tires caused severe turbulence, so that our bodies follow Yi Chan, panic under the care not surrounded by rugged mountains to magnificent, just be careful to see road driving. Less than two minutes, gravel path in front of us came a sharp turn, a rare scene we have just put down the heart also mentioned the throats.
Mountains surrounding tall and straight like a giant, massive landslides that make them black and blue, clothing, crude, dilapidated.
Foot of water potential of a wide raging river, big wave around, on the edge of the river, that is, we left the car in front of a crooked only a framework for building caught in a pile of carcasses. Just beside it, a red car at the top of black depression, lone exposure to ruins, could not find the direction of running.
Just below the ruins, looming half court, basketball stand against the failure is in the side of the fools can not afford such help, helpless looking up at the sky.
"Look, over there to have a flag!" Family suddenly exclaimed.
I looked down the direction of his fingers, on the basketball stand not far from a lone flagpole stand among the wreckage in the ruins, the flag because of long-term wind and rain, already dilapidated, close to the pin weak hanging, no flying momentum. Here is a year ago, people across the country worried about gripping the Yingxiu primary site.
Our car stopped and slowly crossed the stone bridge opened, we rushed to the train, stepping on a land of rubble, came to a river.
At this time the sun gentle, fine,, thin clouds, the river rushes, big wave bursts.
5.12 Yingxiu hardest hit by the earthquake, this time on the other side showing a vast expanse of ruins, quiet, desolate, dilapidated, people can not get near.
"Although a year has passed, I still feel very gripping watch." Families deep breath.
Yes, gripping, everywhere Duanbicanyuan are silent speak to us was breathtaking.
Earth shattering moment, Jingtao shore, riding the Housing crashing down, no time given cries of fear and despair of the eyes ......
We can not words, just lifting the camera keep hitting the shutter, and then ran to the front of the town. Mountain loop turn, we have only a few minutes to the center of Yingxiu.
People here are very few, very few, apart from a few roadside blue hue between the two plates of the house, only a few more to stay on the reconstruction of vehicles and road rollers.
Road on both sides, one side is close to the board room of the swirling secondary school population, as opposed to the other side of the road is the new board room Yingxiu primary school, very small, only one horizontal row of panels in the hospital room quietly. A huge billboard hanging in the street that says "post-earthquake reconstruction Yingxiu drawing general rules", below is a comparison of old and new landscape picture, great contrast, let me once again speechless.
Several street vendors are selling CDs and flowers mark the earthquake, look around, and almost no tourists here.
Xuan Hau Secondary School, which was once again about the place for people, then the door locked, clean hospital floor, a row of large stairs, stood back a piece of carved white stone clock pattern, the middle layer, leaning, broken , watch the pattern of time just 5.12 points to three numbers. This is a later repair to, which cross in the sidelong stairs, behind is a deep distortion of the teaching buildings collapsed.
From some empty windows and doors, tables and chairs can be seen lying on the ground, cracking the blackboard.
The side of the building is brand new a giant memorial, carved below the three white wreath, is said to have been standing here, Premier Wen Jiabao talked about touching stories.
A man under the stairs of the platform is placed flowers look extremely pious.
We stood silently looking at the school in front of the campus, behind the local people have said: "Every night, they heard the speech many children inside.", We suddenly looks nervous.
Can not imagine, how many here quietly disappeared was young, but also how many very young faces of hiding them off, they used to be flowers of the motherland and the parents Jiao Son ......
Since the moment the earthquake, they quietly hidden, name desolate, permanent silence in dust on the back, so that night the moon pieces in the wine bowl, seemed so powerless. When spring comes, flowers to bloom, large and white, with the back of the sad, quiet light, counting those unfinished, until the deepening twilight, do not want to close my eyes eager.
Like I can not describe the edge of a farm open to those mountains of flowers, sitting in the grass and the trees standing in the Yi Keke, who lay on the earth's children, you are the seeds scattered by the wind, I am unable to say your name, but I want you 11 to wake up and want you to have become the most beautiful scenery this summer, although we are not met.
If you can, if I were God, I want to give you the longest childhood, aromatic rush out of the petals, encrusted sunny windows and doors;
I would like to give you under the crisp wind chimes singing, spring wearing Little Red Riding Hood;
I want to embrace your blessings, make you dance in my eyes, sleep, grow up.
Just want to give you everything, ah, I stand here and now, imagine the way you smile, the face of ruin, no matter how sincere my heart is always too pale, even the desire is a kind of superfluous.
"There is too quiet, people go an 'suck, let's go." Families look of sad suggestion.
So we drove silently away Yingxiu, ready to Siguniang Mountain ran, at this moment, gps repeatedly reminded us that the wrong way. The road to the street person, one inquired, in front of the road has been blocked Road debris can not pass, so we decided to go to the nearest Qingcheng Mountain Resort.
Passing Yingxiu a surprise, we meet not only the grief, despair, helplessness and there was nothing to return.
Lost time is never, like all the dead people from this quiet, sweet sleep.

Mo bloom

In the evening, a few petite birds kept in the downstairs shuttle leaves the room, twitter, what seemed to call, what to talk, the total can not be quiet.
Dust had been their home, a clean and dressed in cricket in the corner burst into singing unlined, pure voice is really natural beauty, so climb up the roof, more people Xinchan autumn full moon.
Twilight gradually strong, all the images are fading.
They finally stopped the noisy bird, quietly returned to quiet verdant leaves, only the cricket still enjoy singing with deep feeling, I do not know fatigue.
Kung Fu is a moment of the night to diffuse the up, the moonlight gently approached the buildings, streets, hills, rivers, and a bunch of pure flowers above, without any speech.
Membership by the moon's light, sweet mind I want to cherish you, quiet, take it lightly, it seems reserved for the night, heart was quietly went to the bolt, click to open by the wind, it can be seen, peaks and ridges of mountains, ravines aspect.
This time, you really want and remarks, 2 cups, more than Smile ......
When you are happy, warm in my body crackling; you sad when the wind would fill up my chest leaves.
Now, I am alone in silence the face of a boundless night, cool water flow in the lonely hearts on the quiet.
Not nostalgia, not far, and this time the most appropriate concept of mind at ease, but I can not ______ for you, miss the wings in the crazy.
Those lounging on the past, struggling to leaping out memories of the water, with beautiful blue set off by your youth Dai, twinkling. Between waves, that many of the early morning and nightfall came on the sequence.
Mop, Cheng pulls, those days are always full of laughter affects people, and those cold sad circumstances, and submerged in lake bottom, distribution of the eye-catching luster, believe it will hurt his eyes. So, I can not turn around, afraid to see a ray of cold in the soul, the sad one indeed in all aspects, there is the dazzling white world.
Yes, there are so many things in the silent disappearance, or Yurun smooth or abnormal sharp, gradually passing to the depths of years, ablation, and take the quickest and most diseases are always the most beautiful time.
But I still here, with the original voice calling you, hope you warm up to those words, Tayue come.
But you never come. Get me by the people, the Red displaced.
If you quietly absence, the tacit approval of God, then I will insist on Qingqi overnight.
People always said I was a flower. I am really the flower, you are my spring. You have not come to my spring has been empty for you. Pack until the distance to a mighty wind the spring, I will be your eyes to stretch their wanton, in full bloom, like the peach face in March.
Adhere to the tradition of world cricket is still the most touching notes. Moonlight spread like a layer of frost, fell on my fingertips are lonely shallow faint shadow.
Flow on the waves go, the tide brought stars to. My love, you have to go to the Old Testament the way I am?
See, Mo flowers can be slow to come back.