
'Synthia' Brings New Life to Science of Genetic Engineering

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: To some scientists, the work of Craig Venter's research offers hopeful possibilities. For example, Mister Venter is working to design cells that can make it easier to capture carbon dioxide. His team is also attempting to produce new food oils and make synthetic parts of every known influenza virus. The process may help build new vaccines much faster than is done now.

However, some people see other, far less pleasant possibilities for the new technology. The environmental activist group Friends of the Earth says it is dangerous. The group says it could be hard to stop experimental organisms from entering the natural environment.

It says the synthetic cells might take control of living things in nature. Friends of the Earth has called for suspending further research until rules are made for the technology.

BOB DOUGHTY: University of Pennsylvania professor Arthur Caplan is bioethicist -- an expert in ethical and moral issues of biological medicine and technology. He says the new cell is one of the most important scientific gains ever made. Professor Caplan also believes that concerns about the possible escape of manufactured cells into the atmosphere are real.

Mark Bedau of Reed College in Oregon says Mister Venter's work marks an important step over traditional genetic engineering of individual genes. But Professor Bedau says that nobody can be sure about the results of making new forms of life. He says science must expect results that are unexpected and unmeant.

President Obama has ordered a report about the possible risks of the technology.

Also, some people may find that manufactured cells threaten their belief that only God should create life. But Nobel Prize-winning scientist David Baltimore says the team created only a representation of real life. Mister Baltimore is a former president of the California Institute of Technology.

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Other scientists praise the Venter team's amazingly big piece of DNA. Still others question whether the cell and those to follow can really help improve health and make biofuels.

Divided opinions of his work are not new to Craig Venter. Over the years, he has sometimes earned enemies by expressing opinions that offend other scientists.

Mister Venter will be sixty-four years old in October. At that age, many people are retired. But he is hard at work. He and his team currently are trying to make algae that can change carbon dioxide back into fossil fuel.

Bringing Color to Life With Natural Dyes

Dye can bring a little color to life. Most clothing is colored with dyes. Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. So this week, we describe a natural way to dye wool.

The advice comes from information written by Jenny Dean of the Intermediate Technology Development Group in Britain. This anti-poverty group is now called Practical Action.

There are several methods to put dye onto material. The vat method, for example, can be used to dye wool with onionskins. For this example, use one hundred grams of natural wool. The wool must be clean. Leave it overnight in water and liquid soap. Then wash it with clean water that is a little warm. Gently squeeze out the extra water.

A solution called a mordant is used in the dying process. A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. Traditionally, mordants were found in nature. Wood ash is one example. But chemical mordants such as alum are popular today. Alum is sold in many stores. It is often mixed with cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.

Mix eight grams of alum with seven grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water. Add the solution to a metal pan of cool water. Next, add the wool and place the mixture over heat. Slowly bring the liquid to eighty-two degrees Celsius. Heat the mixture for forty-five minutes. After it cools, remove the wool and wash it.

To prepare the dye solution, cover thirty grams of onionskins with water. Use only the dry, brown outer skins. Boil the liquid until the onionskins lose their color, about forty-five minutes,. Remove the skins after the dye cools.

Now it is time to dye the wool. Place the wool into the dye and heat the mixture. Bring it to a boil, then immediately reduce the heat to eighty-two degrees. Now heat the dye for about forty-five minutes or until the wool is the desired color. Keep in mind that wet wool looks darker than it is.

Once the dye cools, remove the wool and wash it. Now the wool is orange or yellow. Or at least it should be.

China Tackles Oil Spill

Efforts are under way to contain and clean up a large oil slick in the Yellow Sea in northeastern China, after a pipeline exploded.

Friday's explosion at a storage depot in the port of Dalian hit the oil pipeline as a tanker ship was unloading.

The first explosion triggered a second blast from a smaller adjacent pipeline – sending more black oil into the ocean.

Fears of an ecological disaster are rising as the extent of the spill becomes known.

Maritime workers on a large flotilla of skimmer boats are working the spill, off the coast of Liaoning province.

Chemical dispersants are being used and 7,000 meters of boom have been deployed to try and contain the spill.

The deputy director of the Dalian Environmental Protection Department, Wu Guo Gong, is heading up the investigation into the explosion.

Wu says there will be some environmental impact but he does not expect it to affect local residents.

The blaze burned for 15 hours before being extinguished on Saturday by hundreds of firefighters.

Fire crews continue to spray foam on to the oil containers and surrounding area destroyed in the blaze.

The incident occurred at an oil storage site jointly owned by the state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation and the port.

Top Chinese officials have ordered a massive clean up and investigation into the incident.

Israel to Deploy Hi-Tech Anti-Rocket System

Israel's new anti-rocket system, called the Iron Dome, has passed final tests and will be deployed near the country's borders by November. The system was produced by the state-owned Rafael Arms Development Authority and is partially financed by the United States.

The Iron Dome will help neutralize the rocket threat from Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The two Islamic militant groups have bombarded Israel with rockets in the past, exposing a strategic vulnerability.

The system uses small radar-guided missiles to blow up incoming rockets with ranges of between five and 70 kilometers. It can also destroy mortar shells in mid-air.

"It will change the equation," said Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. "It will hit so much of these small-caliber rockets and 'misslets,' that it will change the equation for the other side."

The other benefit is deterrence.

"It will save time of fighting and will deter in many cases a potential enemy from really launching an attack," said Barak.

Defense officials warn that the system will not completely eliminate the rocket threat from Lebanon and Gaza. But they say it will sharply reduce the number of rockets able to hit populated areas and strategic facilities.

One drawback is the cost. An interceptor missile costs $50,000, compared to just $500 for a Palestinian rocket.

Uncooperative Goat Becomes the Mother of an Invention

Mike Henry has a two-hectare farm in Palmer, Alaska. About a year and a half ago, his goat Millie was giving him a hard time. She did not want to be milked.

She kicked her back legs and stepped into the bucket that was supposed to catch her milk. But there was no milk to catch. All Mike Henry got was tired hands from his attempts to milk her.

But he also got an idea. He designed a goat milking machine that does not require any electricity or motors. The Henry Milker is a hand-operated vacuum pump. A person attaches a tube to the goat and, after a little pumping, the milk begins to flow. A gauge measures the pressure of the suction.

The process uses a closed system to keep hair and dirt out of the milk. The milk goes directly from the goat into a container that is then placed in the refrigerator to keep the milk cold.

Mike Henry has sold his invention to hundreds of people, mainly small farmers who also hold other jobs -- just as he does. Mr. Henry is an executive director in the Anchorage School District in Alaska.

He considered spending more than one thousand dollars for an electric milking machine. But that seemed like a lot of money to milk just one goat. So he began to develop a device of his own. He worked with parts that he bought from an auto supply store and a Wal-Mart store.

He tried the invention on Millie. How did she react? She gave a little milk. As the months passed, he improved the device. Milking Millie became easy. Mike Henry began to think other people who owned just a few goats might be interested in his invention.

So he offered one on eBay, an Internet marketplace. The first one sold for forty-five dollars. Interest grew. Today, he receives orders from as far away as Australia and New Zealand.

The regular price is one hundred forty-nine dollars. Recently he has offered the system for one hundred nineteen dollars, plus shipping and handling charges, at goatfinder.com.

The system is advertised as safe enough for children to use. The ad also says it is not a production milker and not designed to replace commercial machines.

The average milking time with the Henry Milker is ten minutes. Mike Henry says Millie now gives about two liters in half that time.


Remembrance into

Student is nostalgia for the people.

I remember that time fell in love with language lessons. Language teacher is a hole in their prime Xing Nvzai twenties, tall and lean, gentle personality, vision clarity and slightly melancholy.

She love to wear a beige suit, Sanzhao a slightly curled UFA, intellectual and elegant. The only shortcoming is the hole half the teachers face is black, does not seems to acquired wounds, I heard a birthmark, that hint of melancholy that comes from this it should look. Otherwise, she used to be a beautiful woman. I naturally would not speak out of turn to ask, but that kind of hole that teachers were more unique and mysterious.

Love poems began a lazy afternoon in the dream of a lack order, fresh and unique, this is not immersed in Qingzhao decorative carving of natural taste and mood. Kong teachers have an appreciation of Song, I have borrowed to after-school reading, encountered numerous vague idea what they loved the place to find free time to ask the teacher hole. Probably are attracted to the graceful micro hidden text, we sometimes actually a normal life, to commune has been a long time good friend, as I asked her answer linger. Perhaps the text is no respecter of age and divide it.

Poetry readings and hymns and others are more experienced quite an enjoyable one and talk to people who own it He Qinan. As Boya poem: broken and Qin Pteris cold, son of whom are not on the bomb? Beaming all friends, Yumi confidant Nanshang Nan. I do not know why the hole with my teachers talk with many, in fact, I have 15-year-old age, although the conversations often were immature, but overwhelming in today's era of network traffic, as long as there is resonance between the two-year-old and six-year-old what communication is difficult.

In my old state of mind, this friend and teacher's feelings, only made me feel deeply Fortunately, the. Teachers look at their own wise eyes, swirling, vivid, I both like they are respected. In my eyes she seemed optimistic about the firm, in poetry readings when there are numerous longing brow eyes dim looming.

That day, the teacher asked me to read the hole so many poems have a special memory. I mean quiet conscious Song Yong, both graceful it uninhibited. The memorable is a song for Li Qingping Le: every year the snow, often drunken plum, plum and Norway do no good, which won a clothing Qinglei. Worry is the kind of beauty is still lonely and Hidden Bitterness is unable to stop.

This does not, and joy for Love, perhaps slightly morbid state of mind and my childhood, repressed personality. Kong teachers listened, eyes passing hint of Xianglianxiangxi the look, fleeting. She said: Qingzhao words are full of late night Piaoling sad state of the environment and the tragic death seen their homes destroyed. The early works reflected mostly innocent and pure emotion but stubborn young woman. You just Ka Wah, this sad but it is difficult to deep feelings are appropriate, after the deposit should be more pleasant state of mind we go light. Her words made me sensitive heart is fear is gratitude.

Today, I have been a teacher at that time with the value of hole. Had been out of the only promise and naive, but every word and action in the outpouring of sorrow has become more restrained and natural. Over the years it is difficult to get rid of the final disposition of this innate.

Remembrance into, but was already casting haze of confusion.

Whenever the wind was blowing, I will remember the lonely valley of orchids like exudes fragrant hole teacher. Past has become an empty, memory drift in the wind, those who remain live in the shadow faintly in the distant horizon. Stared trance when you can faintly see the sky the shadow of Communication Department in the two chatted lonely .......

Walking attentive

At dusk, stroll in the park on the way martyrs. Thoughts helpless and chaotic.
 
 yesterday, only then begins at day by day, "Fu Tian" correct and understand the "dog days", now let me explain their innocent are ignorant. But I also really be this summer yield of Changsha.
 
 Looking to the sky, sunset Yuan Huhu already say goodbye to the big day face the stage. Orange horizon several flower dip "Kim Doo-yun," tweaking the ground and with homogeneous station is attached to the sun I do not know that a father's love moxibustion, or ready to pull together for the night of staged giant screen. A gust of wind carrying the sweltering sun father volumes to come, as if suddenly I was hooded steamer, general pores open, like volcanic eruptions, sweat gushing out like lava like. I immediately hand fan in the ear of the fans, shouting: This is not a good time to take a walk!
 
 Look path tree cicadas, vigorously answered blew in this weather is totally excited. Heartbreakers breeding impulse made me want to go cool places to which children away from this hot city. In short, here I am too depressed and mixed with the emotion of unhappiness, such noise-like blew broke my quiet thoughts. I sincerely hate, hate, hell! I think I was too miss a child, always a father for that period of my experience of it to conquer their tweet. Perhaps the reality is much need for me to conquer hidden things, I advance a premonition that a burden of responsibility.
 
 head and front do not know when her mother threw a half moon, "moon cake." At the time is long, the moon cake case of Kim Doo-yun, neither earlier nor later step, estimates are all recalled to the Monkey King. I look into the distance is hidden inside the moon cake stuffing looming like mountains, a beautiful mind outlining the lonely Chang and white rabbit, it is poignant. Mythology are poignant, real life has probably no exception. Think for a child in the legend, the moon with his finger, it will fall asleep at night in your ears when you scrape. To me and so has the sinister forces of the awkward, secretly courage do not know how many times it privately that, up to now no exception, still doing useful work for me.
 
 walking in the lake on Kerry, who shuttle in my eyes, occasionally listening to the frogs a few. Wind swept across the lake, sparkling water, and occasionally rippled. Let my mind thousands of people added some reverie. The moon fell on my upper left this time, it appears that this stubborn personality had not changed from small to large, it is a child with me so patiently.
 
 smell the smell of dead fish floated in front, so I felt really wanted to spit out the idea of dinner. But I admire that, someone is not wrong according to sit in the lake sitting on wooden bench. That a man sat alone, eyes far from the straight ahead, hands clamped smoke, I pretend to determine, this man must be immersed in thought. Left and looked, three women sit together in animated conversation, which were estimated to be cake if they will sneeze repeatedly it! Chat woman in my eyes, you can saliva drowning man!
 
 found a empty wooden bench I went for a ride. Studies have also played the man of contemplation, fantasy novels I would think in the next, vacated born! But this again and nostrils of the dead fish smell in my Xiusi, I plot of the novel has long been its relentless strangled in the cradle of the. Helpless! Leave ,,,,,,
 
 bustling entertainment from the other side get closer and closer, but also a place where I do not like. Too noisy for me uneasy, do not know when I actually fell in love so quiet. Have the courage Feiyanzoubi and trees such as monkey, jump like a chicken wing with the safe landing of the girl also. Who today is a different person.
 
 through downtown, and I blink in the direction to find the moon and found it to me at the top right. This again reminds me that two days ago to see the "small house", which the hero nine children, his brother said to her that if "the moon follow you to go because we have nine children that beautiful." I also remember my brother had foolishly asked why I had followed where they go?
 
 wind chilly start to pass me, but I have been feeling some pain in his legs. Take a lap around the lake, the lake with its graceful swaying wicker child's body with a full night was filled out somewhat charming. The moon does not know when to go secretly to hide behind me, it seems it is also urging me in the back.
 
 once around, I returned to the starting point. Moon tired, I'm tired. The great circle of life do not know how many people entangles! I have chosen a walk attentive.

Clear after the rain - to the love of your life

Walk in the quiet of the Long Street after the rain to see water baptism was just trees and flowers and devout prayer, could not help but slow down a big mouth and breathe in a rare idle moment. At this point, I was sober, suddenly lost in the moment that all melted.
Long street, people seem to like me, was a kind of magical force of traction, gradually reduce the frequency of the foot. At the moment, quiet the rain coming in the call to consciousness. Sober, be happy, is lucky.
Remember a successful master of the said phrase: "Happiness is peace of mind", at the moment seems to have a deeper understanding of this sentence, can not help but sigh: "The original only sober person would have peace of mind, as clear This is a quiet state. "I suddenly found myself in this moment it became a philosopher.
At the moment, long after the rain left the street with signs of rain fairy came, the sky is still a little touch of lethargy, a lethargy of the gentle, the air came the sound of robins released into the air with bursts of Kusaka. Put aside the shackles of mind, so the cool air gently brushed the inside of irritability, farewell piece of noisy street, walking in the path of those are clear.
At this point, whether you are emotional or rational, all without the need to think about, just go hard to breathe this air of freedom, close my eyes and listen to the rhythm of nature. So, you see, everything is true and lovely, even in peacetime you hate the traffic lights are a beautiful landscape. At this point, you find yourself is truly alive, sober living. You can not help but appreciate: live a happy, sober is lucky.
Many changes in the earth in this, in this hot century, rarely have a sober and calm after the rain, even if only a moment has also been memorable. Perhaps when you again look back, only to find himself the most beautiful hours of memory, always raining, and often in the rain, like a curved rainbow after the rain. Inter suddenly you find that a rainbow had been sleeping in your heart that place the most flexible. At this moment, remember you awake, as if it was his childhood friends, goodbye, goodbye it seemed to love the girl ... ...
"Lotus flowers in sunshine after the rain of red," why the total in the rain after the lotus, "the sunshine" mean? You smiled and gently said: "Perhaps it is also clear now!" You can not help but chuckle own fallacies, but then I thought: the lotus not necessarily under the hot sun after the rain the lotus rich in beauty, is not it? Because of the rain by a dash of her poetry a little more meaning. At this point, you can not help but thank the normally always make you upset in the rain. Yes it coolness thrown in the air, you took a deep breath, tell yourself: in the unknown future, if you remain sober, and has been sober walk, one day there will be a door open for you, Behind the door there is a warm home, have you thirst for happiness ... ...
"Awake is a blessing," think of this, you can not help but step onward.

Summer memorial

Today to put aside memories of the past, do not know this life can also think of? - Introduction

No matter what my hands busy, mind emerges out of a trace of past memories, I will lose the hands of the family on a stride toward the desk, picked up the pen on the desk, can easily find a place to write down to remember. Did not become like that over the years, my desk, the desk next to the wall, full of teeny lower case, from afar, seems to be blackened with coal as. Sure enough memory is torture people, do not want to recall memories. Those memories will light if the catkins from time to time under the brush to the breeze. Although its weight is not very big, but enough to crush my heart, and sometimes I actually one day Chafanbusi.

Is a summer. This is the life of the second summer 10, in the ancient, two-year-old adult would hat a. Looking back, passing by the 20 Spring and Autumn, I can not help but sigh. Both hands on my desk, looked at the wall full of writing, in search of my summer memories.

Summer starts singing insects, and they dragged the tone much longer than this summer, seems like can not stand this hot. Open the window, flapping in the face of warm air an son, though it had been smoked, like, choke may not emerge. Finally found a line of summer memories - the night language. Oh, I remember. See the word, that the memory of black and white colorful immediately become a.

Grandparents still alive, when I was young. Childhood frail I can not stand the muggy summer heat, at night, my grandmother sat on a corner of the bed, holding Pushan, rocking back and forth, know that I fall asleep. I remember clearly, clear face, once, the night was deep, insect sound even more profound, and dim to see grandma have bowed his head, his mouth with saliva flow, but also continued shaking hands Pushan. I took Pushan, Grandma woke up, lay down again, then gave me a fan, until my eyes and dim, and not feel the breeze blowing.

This time sometimes wake up next to the grandfather, perhaps fewer people feel old, since I woke up my grandmother, also no longer sleep. This time you will hear my grandparents voices. I occasionally have a few sleep, and pretended to sleep with your eyes closed. Many grandparents can hear her mouth I do not know but want to know something crops. They also talk to my Diema, also the village people and things, I heard these actually point was wide awake. But dare not say anything, did not dare open his eyes, opened his eyes, then do not say grandma, and had to coax me to sleep. That is, two or three o'clock in the morning until 45 o'clock, awake listening to the words of Grandma Grandpa, motionless, out of a sweat, the body covered with prickly heat. Grandma will be back the next day I went to the village barefoot doctor. I can not put them paid no attention, just care about my grandparents mouth farmer who fascinated me something. Looking back now, or as odorous. But then, through cultivated the habit of not sleeping at night, bell will wake up, thus no longer sleep.

Until the grandmother dies first night and grandfather never spoke of. Grandma the complete funeral in the night, night, I woke up. Grandpa also awake, I'll tell the story above Grandpa, Grandpa feverish just like a child sobbing together. So calm down grandpa, I would learn the way grandma and grandpa began to talk, but I was a little boy, and where they know about. I only know later left the bed empty, the next night too quiet, and then heard the grandparents would not speak.

After two or three o'clock in the morning will still wake up, ears ringing for too long, only insects that sound more profound the night. Upside down in the sky through the window to see the curved moon, tears flowed down the narrow face, a pillow, do not know when, a withered hand has a ... ... for me

Listen to the wind rain

This year a lot more rain than last year, but still normal. Themselves in the rain, but there still like it, how many feel that this is poetic, think oh, supporting an umbrella, an empty out into the world, listen to rushing rain, the trees, see the flowers, looking at the scenery, look at this the world total due to rain and added charm, the more happy? How many dreams can be induced. Age has long been a fantasy of the flower season, has been down to earth, no more wishful thinking. Well, as Zhi Tang said, tile roofs out the window, sip a cup of bitter tea, Susan invited a few people, Deserted Noe like chatting, but also do not care centers, what they actually talk Yousha relationship? Or the passage of time will soon be forgotten, but share of only learned the mood has been a long time to stay on, and after several days was still pondering. Because it is not the presence of the state, which it regarded as a memory. Read a Li Tuo, North Island series "70's" Big thick a child, is heavy with memories, of course not only learned the feelings Deserted Noe so it can be said is a kind of youthful memories, which Love how the beautiful, one of the ups and downs of it, all for the sake of the years show the beauty of so a kind of alienation.
Why must be recalled? Li Tuo said, well, people know how "living"? That is because he / she live in the memory - one of "the moment" after the memories of the past to understand and prove. In this sense, memory is a very simple thing, we can not but remember, every minute of every one of us can not leave or stop the memory, like a person every minute can not stop breathing. Perhaps this is life, we always cherish the life. Mi pharynx that eating vegetables, the poor worry down and Cao Xueqin, and apathy that we seem to have had, but he still supports the "living", then what? Nature is the memory of former Forest Green Red cuddle, caress of silk Yushi warmth, so he wrote the classic "Dream of Red Mansions" - thanks to have the memories oh. In fact, a memory literature, however, then pondering the same time, relish, and we do, we always Rao Shengxing interest. We laughed and we cried, speaking on behalf of the ancients, or virtual characters laughing and crying, it is more by pouring wine, others own base block, which is the power of reading. Recently, reading artist Li Shinan's "Poets as crying - remember Shi Lu," This is a painter, a master of the memories. We often can not hate their masters live in the same era, in fact, if we really live with the master, we can cherish it? Those masters, there are several live moisture, live Delightful? Shi Lu said it, today's "Chang'an School" in Portland, only in this world lived 60 years, but in this short life, he really is not easy to live, or even near escape, and disease, man-made, all sorts of disasters to have exhausted his energy. Mr. Chen Chuanxi so sorry that he was "not tried before the Loess Plateau", in which the number of bitter and full of untold and hardships. However, from Li Shinan description, we see that this is a hard bone of the figures. Unbearable pressure on ordinary people, he strongly alive and live out the dignity and personality; especially in the exploration of painting, he left many newcomers spiritual wealth. Of course, the best in our flash memories, not only his paintings, and his strength of character should be. Or not to avoid the way he has some shortcomings, but his magnanimous personality, and adhere to their own spiritual path, the so-called "people call me wild I wild, found to make ordinary miracles," the maverick, is How rare. If, as Kam immediate kitsch and ingratiate oneself, as well as excessive worships money and ideas, which undoubtedly is a mirror.
Now is the material alienation of the era, on the pursuit of rampant materialism, spiritual shower of snow is particularly important, but this useful years, this is how the spirit and so lack the power to persuade? People do not remember, fear memories, the way of dashing, eager to abandon the memory bit by bit; if any, memories, there are always happy to resolve the serious and frivolous, or heavy, this nonsensical style Joking about the equivalent of "the cruelty of a butcher to smile, "naturally enough for the training of. Is this memory actually available? Then, carrying memories of literature and history? On a moral spiritual writers, the word of piety in the decision we have to be very worthy of my own to write every word. Although, as the wind rain, noise disturbance outside the window, what sounds are, but the most important is our own control is maintained, defensible own soul pure land. In fact, in this age of deconstruction of the lofty, come talk about meaning and the like, or have seemed to be somewhat outdated. Now who do not speak "with the times" mean? Then, out of date is necessary, it is an undeniable fact, just to be able to doing justice to himself. Say writing, he himself being chosen, the sincere, must be doing a disservice to their own. Koki, not all fruitless, quietly, such as farming Zhi Tang, "Their Own Garden": "matter whether species of fruits and vegetables, herbs worth mentioning at all - kind of roses to the small worth mentioning, as long as the consciousness of his own, He identified both in the size of the ground, with the power to farming, it is his duty to the best. "Thus, there is this version of the traditional" Southern voice and facial expression, "which has been issued in the Taiwan Strait the. Or misunderstanding of history we may be isolated, but I believe that we Chinese people constantly blocking blood and cultural context. I very much want this narrow narrow the literal wisdom, to allow more people gain happiness.

Taking a trip

If possible, I like to use both feet measured at the foot of the road. .

Longhua Hospital, as today to pick up the hospital on behalf of the fry of Chinese medicine treatment of insomnia.

Nandan Road from section to go into this section of some blurred, hearts are also some strange joy. No one knew me, I do not know anyone, eyes and heart a bit undisciplined, arbitrary and presumptuous.

Told me an old Shanghai. At the time there are many fields Xujiahui, buses are very sparse. He lived in the old Yangpu. He said this feeling of his heart the meaning of a grievance. Because he lived in the old neighborhood in. Cramped and tense. He said his mother more than 80 years old, and often hidden the money, I end, pillow bottom drawer, food kitchen ... I heard the heart Oh, but no smile, I can imagine old child is so cute.

Xujiahui now has been far from the old Yangpu comparable, although there Fudan, Tongji, and also to create new Wujiaochang recent business district.

Along the road going into it, in a roadside restaurant, a half-white mustache of the foreigner will be watching in a girl, the girl looked young, and the mouth constantly.

In Tianyaoqiao mouth, so the traffic lights. A pair of fashionable men and women kissing, it is style, girls high heel. Reminds me of "Lust, Caution" in the Tony Leung and Tang Wei. Only, did not see the expression on their faces, because the green light.

This world, love is eternal, as we human life.

News said that today the plum, and the sun looming, but fortunately the wind, feeling be cool, looking upward to heaven, though not see blue, but Journey Into Amazing Caves.

At that moment, I realized, I was a traveler.

Do not even want into the familiar life, looked up and saw Conch House, its towering some unexpected, and its color reminds me of the experience of young wind and rain to see the old chimney.

This section, I actually go fast, but my heart is going very slow.

I carry a bag, the bag has a case and a booklet Jao "cultural journey."

Taking a trip, everyone. Yu Chunshun then resigned on the work of the Institute on foot in China, although he fell on the Lop Nor, can I have today verses and some kind of grand, vehement Yue Fei Azolla. At least in my mind, he improved the city's masculinity.

This walk, nice, and I, perhaps even better than walking in the Expo, Barbara live in this earth. Although still filled with Li Yu that sometimes "do not come to spring and a half, striking Rouchang off, build the whereabouts of plum snow chaos, whisk the one still full of" the wound.

Crocodile brand clothes shot out of the mainland market to price promotions advertising, honesty and if so, then to predict the World Cup octopus brother, please come. If anyone may sign up for a octopus brand clothing sold it more than the crocodile. The original forecast of Taiwan's octopus son of Taiwan Premier Hau Pei-tsun Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin win, Oh, wonderful octopus. Recently, Taipei, Hau Lung-bin in the Expo promotion, seems indeed a hero is the father child hero status.

Taking a trip, those political career, stardom and so on who might play a play Shi Yuzhu that the "journey" as well.

Wake and Erosion

Childhood memories of the first film, is a Cantonese opera "Dream of Red Mansions", remember the details of the marriage in addition to gem and Po Chai is Daiyu. I cried tears, Chouchouyeye, difficult to control, so to make a movie with my little aunt ashamed and embarrassed. The way back, sister still lecture me, saying that it is not true, is false. I tore my aunt's hand, bumps to trotting to keep up with her. Dim moonlight shrouded in the quiet village, and sometimes there are home movies of people commenting on the, quarrel. I heard the Shaoxing opera tunes still resonate with, like a thin veil entangled with paths, trees and entire villages (grow up, I learned a phrase called linger on the 3rd), my heart was a kind of winding hints of blocking. Until now, at any time, any place, hear the melody of Shaoxing touching tactfully, that sadness, and untold, sad and insightful to live I would feel a sudden attack.

Evening out the window wind comes up, the rain through the screens, roll up curtains, wanton impinge upon. My computer is still playing flute song, "Burying the Flowers", standing on the balcony watching the rain listening to the rain to listen to flute. Front of the neighbor's yard planted trees at the jujube, chestnut-sized knot full of jujube, particularly green in the rain. A thick pomegranate tree, covered with bright red flowers. Wind in the shape very calm, wind-blown, simply shake the tree tops of the leaves, seems to not agree. May be blocked by tall buildings everywhere, the wind rushed to the small hospital a little exhausted. Delicate pomegranate end could not withstand, falling one after another. I looked at the process of rain falling in the flowers, are beautiful!

These days like to listen to flute - "Moonlit Night", "Excerpt from" I want to write prose, "Burying the Flowers", depicts the flowers in the wind take it lightly and long scenarios. I do not want to write Beibeiqieqie, in fact, to blossom is a very natural phenomenon, even a celebration. Seed germination grow up, need to look forward to after the number of how many storms the night can finally grow up flowering. Red, yellow, Zi Bai, sizes, regardless of "bright Xianyan to when" this life out of her own, has been rare, and not all seeds have the opportunity to bloom. Just greed, it will take flowers here, see the Flower and the lament years older and does not know if Xie spend, how can the results, no result, how can the resume from generation to generation.

The network has no intention to see the page on Chen Xiaoxu. See the familiar forest sister, sad eyes, tricky wizard-like, to understand their own people in the gem to him, and was inclusive care of and happy to be loved by the smile. Depend on others when the sad, sad eyes, the heart was softly slight pain. Conversion to Buddhism Chen Xiaoxu died to see the portrait, the face of old, frail look, smooth head, no longer could not help but cry. The rain falls the name of the window lattice, smell the study on three rotating, a description not, Road do not understand the feeling through my heart. Like the distant past, looking at the past of their own, as with the current interest rate has its own coherent outsiders, but close to fantasy, but reality seems to grip the concrete. Study on three in the room echoed the invisible impact of arrival of the hardness, the existence of the soul - all of life's love, on the fate of the weak, until the strong and obedience, confusion and sober.

At this point, it seems that only tears can express an emotion, over the years Lin has been a true sister to live in my heart. The love and affection for her characters from the imagination of the book, to play on screen in Chen Xiaoxu sister Lin recognition version of the Lin Chen Xiaoxu sister, had imperceptibly to the unforgettable. For the first time the tall bookcase in the students home to see three thick, "Dream of Red Mansions", the initial curiosity, confused, to enjoy life now, "Dream of Red Mansions" throughout my entire youth and young years. Do not know the impact of his sister by the forest, bright and free and easy for me, can not turn over even with the "sentimental" and bad habits. Word on the others a look, could not help but wonder, sadness, immersed in their own misconceptions in grievances, the explanation over and over again until the other side, only relieved in mind. For material wealth, but did not mind. I like Lin pure and noble of character, intelligence, good personality, but I especially hate her motionless on the sad, the tears, complaining that Lin Bao Chai as open-minded atmosphere, tolerance. I am very disgusted as he is very easy to suspicious character, like, knowing that bad, there is no way to correct.

So far, still clearly remember on who started secondary school in another commune, I, each return to the work of father and mother by commune home, timid, humble and not strange enough to eat. Father with a jeep to pick me from school, they rush out to the busy work. Too thin to be disease-ridden Niang, slow to clean up the home, busy, and sometimes smiled to me and asked me school. My hands cramped to cross, but also remember to take over your mother's broom (in the school I was the first group of outstanding members, sweeping, cleaning toilets, to actively express themselves. At that time, written in every section of the diary sentence - one can not scan, how can you sweep the world, the extreme arrogance). I watched on the short holding a basket of apples before cooking, so greedy that secretly Yankou Shui. Readily picked up my sister said to be passed the number of my colleagues, I look at the back of her good-looking, wearing a pink short-sleeved, swaying to disappear in full of red and white flowers of the hibiscus in a small way. I feel the Mother of the doubt, hesitation mother showed me a big red apple I eat, your mother seems to be very careful, as the polite tone of such relatives. I took the apple, bite, tears shabu to the flow out. Now look at the diary at that time, almost have tears lin record, do not know the age so small, how there are so many sad things. Small-school age home alone, or after another childhood disease, causing pain of the character of perverse? Although the age is still small, sensitive to depend on others yu can imagine.

One more thing, I still think of it guilt anxiety. Once your mother to county fairs and passing our school, bring me the radio, money and a "Dream" (I pray father who happens to come from the provincial capital, and father do not know who happens to come an abbreviation). Think of your mother's legs a bit lame, I suddenly felt ashamed. I Qiqiyiai approached Mother, Mother who happens to come take over the food, books and radio, fear turned to see the students want to go. Subconsciously, I feel out of your mother's not a natural smile, Niang Zhang mouth did not say anything, then sit Shenzi the bike away. So your mother gone, I suddenly felt shame, asshole. I took my Mother who happens to come in the eating, books and radio, for the first time felt a special heartless. Over the years, the only criticism I Lin, Lin was ridiculed Granny Liu is the mother of locusts that back. In fact, the body in the heart of Shen Yuan's wealthy a small house, where the farmer's hard to understand, and no cultural influence literacy, demonstrated the underlying nature of life. This is Cao Xueqin's great, no one is absolutely perfect. That summer, every afternoon after school, classroom before the tall plane trees in the open ground, squatting over a dinner of the students, kanbar of bread, dried black, turbid water, the food was silent. Radio is on time and play Liu Lanfang's "Legend." Back home, my sister also complained father and mother, as used on her, she wanted to buy a flute xiao, who also took the radio with her so blatantly heard in the school books? She also said that the book should be bought extracurricular extracurricular books, Dad, that is, "Dream of Red Mansions", a lot of parents not to look. "Read" Dream of Red Mansions ", got love-sick," the spread of the saying that time may also recall that the young heart books on the detention center instinctive curiosity and settle down to read the touch after the invasion of bone marrow, immature intermittent The idea - contradictions, hesitation, confusion, understanding, envy, exclusion, ignorant of the heart in the process of growth is to be awakened by the erosion or indeed ideas to solve.

Teenager, I read very few books, few come only Ba Jin's "Family", "Spring", "Autumn", Qiong Yao, Jin Yong, also liang should also be accepted during that period. Junior Shihai dream dreamed Qiong Yao and Ba Jin Ba Jin eager to ask excitedly writing method. Remember the campus of a novel circulating Li Guoping, "Tears Dream Dream", written by a young woman's love and obsession in literature, so that has been left out of the concern and love for her boyfriend. Finally, she published a book, excited to tell her boyfriend, her boyfriend told her he was married. Students talking about this, crying in tears. Now that fiction is very general, when a higher level than my classmates read it and finished in one breath for me. Finish the story, my heart the promise of a secret wish. In addition to these novels, is "Journey to the West", "Dream of Red Mansions", "Dream of Red Mansions" has become part of my life. Dim longing for love, and steadfast worship of money and wealth of the conflict, the pessimistic understanding of the impermanence of life, more or less from the "Dream" began. For some time, the "Dream of Red Mansions" in the mundane affairs of life and figures and detailed description of the language is too confusing, with age, experience a deeper comprehension of Cao Xueqin's great to understand, "Dreams of all knowledge, human sophistication that the article "means. People in various relationships in life, who left the complex social relations, the embodiment of human nature is one-sided and flawed. Is precisely these trivial, vulgar, and little else of the details, vividly written to humans or the world state, which makes the characters vivid, close to the heart.

Endure 88 years before watching TV "Dream of Red Mansions", repeated intermittently over the years read many times, the actors on the psychological changes in people, look and demeanor, temperament, the soul master, really shocked, captures hearts of the audience. Looked at them as if they themselves become a member, cry with them, laughing, sad, Huan. Three years ago, I heard that the new film, "Dream of Red Mansions", the day I am happy to sleep, almost to tears of joy, even fear that they will have accidents and can not wait for that day. Until the honor to see the new version of "Dream of Red Mansions", thinking both venues, clothing, headgear and story, what kind of refreshing, or ingenuity, are undisputed. However, given Cao, "Dream of Red Mansions," the human soul, deep down, revealed a temperament, can not be falsified. The new version of Bao Dai, who has not the true meaning of the "Dream of Red Mansions" in Bao Dai and others, they only reflects the shape of Bao Dai Bao Dai lost soul.

"Excerpt from" continuous still playing. I know that life is full of hardship, suffering, world states Yan Liang, human well-being, diseases, wound, status of the lowly, changeable emotions, people will be a kind of helplessness, a kind of destiny is beyond grasp the tragedy. However, walking in the solid earth, to see the birds flying in the sky, hear the cicadas lively crowd of laughter, feel the life that the perception of the existence, in fact, very lucky. And Fall of bright, short and lingering, instant and eternity, by and lost, in fact, are the same, no one is superior than anyone else. The flowers, feel bad is a natural; people to despair is also a natural. From nature to nature, to go, it is important that we passed one by. In the process of walking, we cherish, pay, tears, laughter too, and had enough. The number of the seed of life, there is no chance to grow it.

Famous Indian philosopher Osho said: "When you look at a rose when you're happy, your happiness is created by Erica Rose flower. And when you are happy, roses are also happy. It dependent on you, it is waiting for you to. If you do not come, it was like a lover-like feel sorry ... ... "Even if I come and spend time in the fall, will litter the. I know I will not be too sad, flower, will not be too sad, because there was new life in the birth of new dreams and life will be awakened, to repeat, feel the experience of all.

Yesterday the wind (2)

We go to school a child has been on the Cultural Revolution began, to not be the last. The Hui people's children are unable to attend school. Young age, they begin to do business. With us the same age, almost too tall, Kua small baskets traveling salesman hawking: "pimple stack, a divided one, eat the top bun, the day hungry."

"Stacks" is a big meaning, "knots Stacks" is actually made of lump sugar and noodles. Or they sell "stir sugar", a toothpick with two more taffy-like bamboo stir the play, had enough to eat up. Years in private business that is being looked down on, and Han's children also learn to look down on Muslim children. Look down look down upon return, bullying is not acceptable. Muslim children are severe, the heart of Qi, a hands-on is a bunch together. And the guy dared to touch a tender age, wild! Once we catch crickets in the vegetable plots outside the city, he just was that they "rob" the Road, to the few of us grabbed all the spoils go, harm the children cry Titi even alerted the parents.

Speaking of catch crickets, but the little boy who was the favorite thing. Cutting torch banner night in the yard hole in the wall, digging irrigation wild during the day. Best to catch the broken piece or stone seats, the most difficult to catch the rubble: the more cricket dig faster drilling. Catch came on the struggle, who formidable as the "King" went to "fish the old man." "Fish the old man" is our neighbor Lane Yu grandfather, Remarkable! Do not know how old, bearded white eyebrows are all, naturally white hair, the most te-colored hair was Grandpa was a big queue! Great people say, it was left to the Qing, is "Long Live Ye," a relic of the idea want. Grandpa support of cricket in the most powerful, those who can fight him, he must leave other people's cricket! Of course not white to be, he will send you a beautiful cricket can be exchanged. There is now sold, they were extremely rare in the crock pot. That crock pot can help people get lost a few days can not sleep! ,

Always fond of children and more time at Grandpa will be proud of a victory moved the beard to laugh, or patting the children's head, said: "go catch, Secretary of the cask waiting for you." Lose more the children there is some smell also wondering: So every time with our grandfather fought in the wheels of war are, in turn from weak to strong, until victory. The cunning old man!

We all control "fish the old man" is "in the God of" our fathers can also call him "the Secretary"! Very laissez-faire. Great people say: What about chaos, then you have to ask someone to Ye, "the Secretary"!

Ye house next to the stone tablet on the back door, is the single detached homes. He not only support good cricket, but also goldfish. Large yard at home, in the yard with 45 large fish tank display, tile, and there is half the height. Spring, summer and autumn the elderly carrying a fish and insects common network, led a grandson or great-grandsons do not know the little boy to the moat fleas are caught, of course, feeding goldfish. The Secretary of the goldfish Daoshi very generous, annual production of fish fry of the season as long as kids go, he sent a small goldfish to them. Wanted to come to this at the Qing Ye that was a venerable old, Kozo rooms are some banner's charm.

When the Cultural Revolution, I have ten years younger, was "revolutionary", Beilin has been smashed, the door no one asked us to become a good place downtown mix. Although I always feel there is very dark, his mind there must expel the legend about the ghost fox, however together a bunch of mixed kid is afraid of, they have to shore up.

One day in the forest of steles backyard, in a Red Guards push rickety stone saw him before the old heap,
- God of eyes closed in, his hand across Beishang words in reading, in Yaotouhuangnao to read, read with great interest. Very hard, face the vicissitudes of life, there is a complex untold Qiyun! Elderly long braids already Xi Luo, became Xiao Bian. Looking to eyelids relaxation, probably opened too laborious; but the reading was clear, reading was self-assured, read with old gas.

Memories of a few years I always unconsciously paved the background of the touch of the day, such as blood, setting sun, so it must seem worthy of the elderly share of the tragic.

- In fact, it was a cloudy day. A few days after the Secretary of "walking", said the "die a natural death," so a Lao Shenxian

Lonely afternoon as the sea

July 24 afternoon, pelting rain burst Guiyang transit, the rhythm of the windows of the Neem tree wet.

Many people always thought Huangguoshu in Guiyang, Guiyang, many to people who are also away toward the direction where the waterfall, and Guiyang, the local people do not want to go where few people run.

Early in the morning, her daughter called her grandfather, grandfather to go to Paradise tells the peaches. Daughter does not like to eat peaches, but like to play. My wife asked me to go, I said do not go, because I think his father is unknown. Mother called, when they heard I had said my father to take her to Paradise, she said, then you go have fun. I told my mother I am not with them, invited to dinner with his mother, but my mother told me politely refused.

Afternoon, after a while pelting rain, the huge family who left the balcony drinking tea. Neem tree outside the window of time in the rain, the wind blasted it leaves the roll, and its trunk was motionless firmly hold up those leaves and branches sway. Chinaberry tree in the shade, a cluster of slender bamboo is because very severe rain wind swing, reminding us of scenes ballroom dancing and indulgence hysterical people. His wife called at this time, asked if dinner, I refused his wife refused his father. I clearly remember my father had been the backbone of the family, he supported the growth from my sister, but could not escape the earth's fate, together with the earthly with the empathy out of his age. Now, that only the mother of a family to stay at home alone, my father used to enjoy a day continued to do, to the roof water and care of flowers and trees are great vitality. Now, those who have the wind swinging to earthly branches also have their own home, as was cutting trees growing in the earth, and they need to support their own branches and leaves, let down in a gust of wind in the tree.

Between father and I was cold, not too much to meet the language. As for the father out of many things, I just look cold. Although I do not want to leave his father had supported the family, but I was not very clear there are things I can intervene, charged with this matter right.

The pelting rain outside the window boundary, the afternoon sun to the earth's rain falls on transpiration in the earth. I looked out the window silently swaying bamboo, watching the tall tree Chinaberry tree, raised his own immersion in it for their own cup of tea, tea though refreshing, but not exclusive form of bore water transpiration. I am cold in the earth and the earthly human father, but his daughter is his father passed down flow of blood. Daughter, father, grandfather examinations are not why I called to ask my results? I do not know how to answer her. While his wife smiled and said to her daughter, or you call to ask you why the grandfather. Pick up my daughter from the table the phone and dialed. She asked, Grandpa, why do not you ask me to take the number? Her grandfather asked how much the test? Daughter of a Section 100, an eighth of Section 90. Female command with him, I managed to get so good, you have to take me out to play, and I want to go to Paradise peaches. Discuss with her grandfather asked me something today, another day right? Daughter answered firmly said no. Sure enough, her grandfather is really in the early morning phone call in the district, waiting for his daughter and he went to Paradise. I think the thin earth frustrated, they found that inter-generational affection thicker. I was able to propose a common cold, the wife refused to Paradise, but does not prevent her daughter and her grandfather with happiness. I am wondering if I use the tone of her father and dialogue so that when should the how?

Earth wind and rain come and go, especially in July to come and go faster.

I put down my cup and felt that the tea inside the stomach to digest the many foods, people began to hunger. I find everything edible in the refrigerator, they found the refrigerator gives off cold air, which is nothing. I think dissatisfaction with his wife before leaving told, told me that if not, then there is no other home to eat. Close the refrigerator door, I can only helpless smile, wear shoe next to sandals, Tititata for his belly to buy the evening meals. In the cell next to a complex food bought rum and Xingyi of Erkuai cake, I have long wanted to eat this cake with a sweet cook the Erkuai, although the prime, and they can eat calm and take it lightly.

Neem tree leaves outside the window again shaking, which bundles of bamboo crazy again, maybe rain will come this afternoon.

I see the sky the clouds, look out the window of the tree, turn the TV on that coastal storm. I would like to pick up the conch beach, close to his ear conch, I heard the desolate vastness of the sea. I quietly returned to the Jian tea, I would like to sea if it can hold, or I would rather own soul submerged in the sea. I think in that there is one next to the sea Dasan, and I drink the tea he came from. I think do not know who said that the ritual tea ceremony is to thank the tea farmers and tea is only appropriate for people who Jian Qing character. I am not the character or the clearly thrifty person, but I just want to indulge in that world of curl tea, listening to conch in the sea's Roaring silence.

Tea, it is a weekend afternoon is a, lonely as the sea.

Love, formerly the End of the World, and now also in the End of the World

Life is a dream, a dream, such as time. I look back, always high in the sky, never thought of a happy end, it is still a paradise? I do not know the melancholy parting. This life you I have rubbed shoulders the rim of the intersection in a life wrongly inn. Wandering mind to rest a moment in your harbor, it belongs to you in my life journey.

You meet a person that you love him more, then you will always lose. Then you meet another, he loves you more, then you will sooner or later leave him. One day you meet someone, you love each other. Finally you understand that all of the search, but also a process. Before the End of the World, and now within your grasp.

Fingertips on the keyboard alone to draw the curve, the text on the LCD screen on the flower bloom, but I do not know who can really read my heart sad? Is there someone by your side you on the roof, to enjoy the city of moonlight?

Or the vast sea of people there seemed always more you love someone, or someone else love you more, love to be able to have two people with each other almost certainly is hard to find, so people have so many satisfied restless, in pursuit of self-seeking life without regret.

It gives a strange silence and trust depend on the strength of feeling of being misunderstood by others do not like defense, a look of a word can take the hint to each other, feel each other how much sense without regrets. We are just ordinary people, as long as two people with diligent hard work, concerted efforts, and life will sweeter than honey.

Life in the necessary perseverance is necessary, such as the cause of upholding the ideal of love. Every moment of every individual's decision with the ideal and the reality of trade-off persistent and volatile up and down, every decision affecting their lives and the future. Some people say that since the chosen, no regrets on Ann Heart, but many people choose are based on the then future confusion and uncertainty and pick the best at the time that the most appropriate, not necessarily the ideal of.

Flutters about in a few years vast, flowers open over the hills to do. Transitory man on earth, I repeated the conclusion of an affair; vast East River, passing me the number of Things Past; breeze moon, pierced me how many hearts; discouraged lights, shine me a few screens fantasy. Who the moon pool, the willow on midnight. Where Are You? Knowledge fragrance dreams several times. Sail past the banks of thousands of East River Bridge, except not see your Seduction, you dressed in white in the fly, bright eyes little bit of fluorescent, my heart will always be the most beautiful appearance.

Dream lover had a dream, the dream seems to also get out of a dream lover, ask how many people on earth to find their dream is to have been expected, will be able to explain the vast solitude of the Red earthly, to adhere to and achieve their desired dreams until the person is still small. Life's a shortcoming, it is difficult really have satisfactory. Perfect material, spiritual emptiness; spiritual perfection, and material deprivation. I realize that he is a layman or already degenerated into ordinary laity, and that is: the kind of super-popular! Love, formerly in the horizon, now is the End of the World.

With my whole life to forget(四)

I have been to Changsha untold Unforgettable feelings, three years I have been in the program brought her to describe her, the stranger's identity has never made me feel lonely and alienated, only more full of curiosity and interest;

Suddenly realized that I live in this city by the south, have had five years, found her still surprising how different home, and now I have also answered some of the city to know the secret.

I knew she would not be happy without spicy diet, I know the men gathered in the streets 2:00 with boxes of beer to drink, I know that in the early summer twilight Jasmine passing face, I know that in some western corner of the small East Shui alley inhabited by some interesting people, I know the city very few people, alas, can rain starts to pour, the thick dust full of sorrow.

I heard some of the city at night the story, I know that the middle of the night to himself, is to that day where I met Yang face was hurriedly walked, I heard hints of their voices They are me, and sometimes laugh out loud, and sometimes could not help but cry.

Living in this city after five years, I know something, I know some things in the future, I know how Osmanthus incense times in August, I know that when the first snow, as one side and pale white Shadow, I know that come spring, when fresh grass was not sure;

I know that the memories stay, not stay the Love of Things Past.

With my whole life to forget(三)

19 years old I started doing "Tender is the Night," when this song is my Pianwei Qu. I am anxious to call high-Rong, but forgot to tell her. Only to hear her message and Hasty happy to be married.
And wound up, I just graduated from college, refused to do a little accounting, given a free hand to move the accounts and working relationship, the city rented the edge of the Bedroom, empty, house, I threw several large cushions on the floor, with the sit with the lying. Ji Zhi Tao bottle picked up the wild thorns, greenish yellow old green. Rely on their savings to buy a CD machine and can drink the crystal cup of black tea to start my career.

The start of the most hard to get, in a strange city, do not understand dialect, no money, no friends, be unreasonable in the ways of the world, but also the most ugly when puberty. 19-year-old birthday penniless in torrential rain in the radio to go in the program said, "do a Pianfei of a crane, fly across the Han Ku's Life"

Only the old saying this will not get laughed at. The dignity of their own youth.

South wind the sea the rain fall will rise day, sitting in the house, but also that force people to come Azeri night could not control the mood completely, see the end of an ordinary fairy tale that "beyond a happy day, every night safe" also desperate tears.

So hold nightly radio program, eager for the warmth of popularity that point. And among them many strange stories, all counting on sound subduction figure, the most secret of the mind can pour. One night without electricity and the dark listening to the radio Lim, Singapore's "point of a light heart," he terse, "Rather than curse the darkness than light lights"

Yes. Decided to make the midnight show.

Radio is placed in the weekend nights 4 hours Huaguxi. I volunteered to do a live program files, active Otherwise wages and pains racked lobby leaders, "put the tape could save a man Yeah right," has finally been agreed, to name a few, are all too deliberately. Director essay changed "Tender is the Night" is precisely the name of Fitzgerald's novel.


Not all of a sudden breeze came, no high blue sky, fall so romantic rain in the beginning. I resigned Quwang Beijing - Beijing Broadcasting Institute with a notice, just enough money, face unclear future and 22-year-old age.

With my whole life to forget(二)

Read last week, "Léon", 12-year-old Matilda, Lyon asked, "is a very miserable life, only the youth, so?" Lyon said, "Always."

Reading to a bar watch the game, am back her hair, wiped away when I look in the mirror after the first uncommon to be reminded that I forgot the name of the song "foolishly goes on the face, a big pair of eyes, another pure capricious, clever But look far ... ... "That is my embrace the mirror of their youth, when I had like Matilda, every night whispered questions to the void.

I have been to secondary school at age 12, go north to the south of the city day and performed poorly.

A full six years, I've been saving "Japan first" - that is, Qi Mei Qi ears short hair. Color dark clothing, like a dark shadow, dodging in a sea of vague.

Were tall, and can blend into their fellow classmates, but their bodies have a strange sense a hint of disgust, I remember from the development with a cloth wrapped around the chest, wearing a skirt can be excused from personal shame.

But also often go to barber to cut clothes, it is the most embarrassing thing. Suddenly at that age was watching, being talked about the body, push the mirror around, is no self-confidence of the child's suffering. Even people walking in front of strangers distress, not to mention the opening speech.

Eileen Chang in the "mind control" in writing that she will never get rid of embarrassing age "his wife is not words, words must mean" loss of dignity looked knowing smile, yes yes yes.

My friend is still small, there is one, have a joyous name is "Fu Zhen," a very long braids, big forehead, big voice. She is good, but also lively, with all the boys are friends, and they crush the girls also are friends. They pass notes and listen for the mind. Only when they are off by school, so every day at dusk, I walked back to her day south of the city north of the city, she gave a class to do different kinds of people to me, often with orange-red sunset sky, and she makes me laugh.

Her favorite class is called "Nong Nong" like the name of the girl, curly hair, wearing a pink silk ribbon shirts, go out with the boys in class Fanchuang date.

Wow. We Pie Piezui, heart does not envy it actually is not.

I used the mirror to see for a long time, roll up the hair came alive again with a pencil down, feeling his face extraordinary exception, I made her laugh and make faces weeping, calm down and has long confusion. I often persuade themselves will not disappear after people die, babies can still be turned into another re-understanding of the world, those who smoke, the morning sun ... ... their existence can not be meaningless.

But still can not overcome the fear of death. Every night, lying under a thick blanket, Ting Feng come from a distance. I look forward to sleeping in my grandmother's face and left her sleeping in the slightly open lips, thought she might one day leave me grief from the past 10 years, I still dream time and time again I lost her . Then, in the early morning when we wake up wept.

I often sit in the warm afternoon and grandmother, looked down for a book, then looked up as his hand like the branches in the sun, the empty upstairs a bright window, with its light wind swept grass emergency.

Read any written word on paper made me ecstatic. I stood in small storage room, see "cautionary common saying," "Dream of Red Mansions", criticism of Hu Feng's paper, my mother read all the correspondence in Chinese textbooks, and my dad's Chinese literary magazine, the content is slightly . I have almost no ability to identify each one greedily absorb the words, as if the world where you can find the meaning.

Occasionally in short radio waves of one of Taiwan's "widely popular network" and "Voice of Asia." Clinging to listen every day at dusk, San Mao's death also heard. I remember the day of application-wan in Wong Ka Kui's death played on the program "always concerned about," she said, "A life should cherish, because we do not know where the next points the next second will be." Recall Chen Kailun also asked Zhao Yonghua " You are not a great need love, need all kinds of love woman? "she laughed and said yes.

I have to laugh, especially eager for the current crackle in some people could be so gentle voice, so write to them, thank them for giving me comfort, finish, think about it, caught in the diary, until today.

Write two diary, full of maxims that this copy, to the language teacher.

That in their write this in a very literary, "I want to stay the most quiet corner, surrounded by the most enthusiastic voice."

Were always in the most quiet corner, high school, increasingly reticent, sitting in the window of the place, day to see the old acacia trees in the dark blue twilight of the wind, the huge shadow of great joy to swing. In May, when the night also saw the flower garden trees as white as snow.

One weekend to go hiking in the high hill overlooking the deep mountain, imagine how the river has been surging in this barren land. Large Yunfei outdated, the earth by dark. Coming down the mountain, I took off my shoes and carry her in his hands, carefully slide down the icy slope.

In the lonely pain of adolescence, is a keen music and beauty made me feel relieved despair. I heard Luo, Huang Pin Yuan, Zhang Gaozhe, dolls, personnels, almost everyone on behalf of the songs on the hearts of struggling for some time, such as the leech attached to bone alone, day after day, without hope to bite people. Only these songs, so that a juvenile may be poetical luxury, according to a slight

8 years later to fly back to Beijing from Changsha, the plane landed the front corners, bright colors and earth suddenly tilted over, my eyes wet, this is my land in the northern sky gaze again and again, from the did not think the height away from the lights overlooking the survival of the Department, there is such unspeakable beauty.

I am today, years of high standing, as if to re-see their backs, Ning Li a great sunset in the north and under the brilliant sky.

... ... At the time she just sat on top of milk vetch fields in full bloom, watch the evening attributable to quiescence, in thinking about?

I do not remember, just remember she was always watching the horizon line - that the limits of her eyesight.

Until 1992. Surprisingly, this year the way I seemed to have some kind of smell, and I fall deeper in Changsha Night fog in through time, in Beijing, the blocks in a twilight smoke burning leaves hurriedly walked in Shanghai an old garden, enveloped by the night of the grass fragrance will be in the moment when the ... ... year to remember.

In that year, I and high-Rong become friends.

In fact, 7 years before we have the same class, dancing, with a blackboard newspaper. It was not until her parents divorced, moved to my neighborhood for a long time before we cooked up, her supple bar Masson, handsome face to the extreme.

Those two years and I like her, and her mother live alone. Grandma sent away, she gave me an emerald ring, which is supposed to when I get married to me. I stood waiting for the bus with her, first understand what the "Xinrudaoge."

I never talk about this high-Rong, going to night classes just one day, someone called her outside the classroom, she never looked up, would not crashed. Finally went out, came back Fuzaizhuoshang long time, and then write a note to me "is my dad." I also do not understand comfort, only sadness with.

We hear the same music, are copied in a notebook the sentence Hsi "I believe / love of nature as pure and gentle life ... ..."

We are not holding hands shopping, do not say if Private. After he was married only said that in the future, along with sweaters that homely, watching children grow up. Very often the silent, listening to music Chen Rong's "Moonlight Love Letter," "Tonight you are getting on well, the moon ... ... according to complete my side of the wall, went to the other side of the wall as you ... ..." and the muffled sound of the waves , turning out 16-year-old heart.

Friends of the same building slowly grew, funny Yong Dan, Fei Fei, Hasty, there's little love to play Huo. A guitar, a few packets of sugar plum, boys smoke.

We have a good place and over the low wall right on a street, and was abandoned old buildings, stair railing off early rust, front of the open ground covered with weeds, there will be a large bundle of spring Chinese milk vetch and the crushing of the blue butterfly.

Summer we sat on the stairs to eat red bean ice, sometimes Yuqing, the afternoon sunshine break in the clouds, the yard dyed golden one place, people sat in that color, breathing difficulty.

Home turn the playground every day low wall, sky Hongxia, I do not know what to make me smile, after that many years in order to re-understand, one has to give up the narrow selfish, provide tempting gentle dear friend and brother, is the only source of happiness.

She now is immersed in love, and Hasty. That bookish boy.

Hasty higher than term, and soon went into college, and she could not tolerate a person immersed in memories, then drop to a tax by far to work, wrote in the letter, she confessed, "I would like to sojourn for life in this small town, no other fantasy. "

Leave me one, go up the next night going to night classes, so cool moonlight, like walking in the same deep inside.

Middle School, and homework with pressure, can not think of anything, no longer as reading, listening to music. I do not go to class, and a man walking the road too long.

One evening power outage, I dug out the old tape to listen to.

Thick and purple in the evening twilight, the Zheng Zhihua sing "the hand of a sudden forget to say goodbye, With a smile of the two lines of tears, like a desperate child, standing alone at the edge of the cliff ........

Unknown so to, I felt shake heavily. To shed hot tears cheeks.

That song is called "use my whole life to forget."

Little by little people are scattered, and old buildings should be torn down, there became indeed a piece of a cliff after leveling. When it rains, standing there, watching the day go a little bit dark, the world as wilderness.

With my whole life to forget(一)

August 2, 2000 in the afternoon. Mountains and plains of the rain. Next record happens to be Matthew Lien's "Bressanon". Sound mute desolation. Pelting rain beat of my heart. Cang gray blank sky, people like being back in time in the wilderness, this moment, there is no language, no color, no ideas are born.

I think I had a child, it must look long rain, the mountains and plains of the rain tight while, sparse burst, burst ... ... dark space, but also bright. Friendly and bleak memories. Then ... ... then ... ... must have been sitting in the hall, in Flanagan's mahogany pillars under the coarse, black gold of the screen before the child's eyes from deep in the yard try to look out those fine The rain depression Department Dangkai vortex pattern ... ...

It was inherited from our ancestors great Zhaizi, in front of two Shishou was stroke was smooth and bright and clean. Brick yard, rain water when the adults are not allowed to go on, afraid of the old moss slip below their feet. Children are not allowed to go in the attic -

In fact, some of the above is just a big wooden box with brass lock, aged dust in the old sleeping in the sun, looked out from the carved sash is the opposite roof on the vine hay. Autumn, there lazily basking in children's shoes, sienna red, TANSEI, and plenty of pink in the face pick flowers with gold thread on the hydrangea. Occasionally birds to, pecking about in the above, calls out, then stood motionless, makes one wonder it fell asleep.

Mom packed suitcase that time each year, a small room full of clean, warm smell of old clothes, paper out of the window is washed off the north as the clear fall, I wear dark red corduroy jacket, a small Heye Bian , mother to two tails and son to me rolled up, fastened with a light green in the silk, a small mirror in a navy blue ground according to another according to Li Zizi. Is a small door small family child have fun.

At that time I was four. Has begun the first year. Watch the daily evening stool , a word a word Anzhe stammered read. Grandmother to a fruit and candy in his mouth, to eat dinner pressing a small cheeks were hard to still.

Sister trouble in my opinion is the little devil. She hugged each mother to go and cry to choke gas bicycle tires, roll to get a snack. Jasper Bob lost grandmother. And large rooster pecking a fight was under the scar. Also, grab any of those things with me are my things. The only peaceful meeting when parents go out, power outage, my grandmother tell stories to us some riddles and sisters, a pinch of candle-glass window showing a small yellow spark, afar off up that is outside Which also points out the lights - - Apart from the house, and no other world. Pouring rain outside the window Lang, our nest built up in bed with a quilt pillow fortress, the contented, quiet a grandmother for my touch back, fell asleep.

I do not have friends, just chubby. She rolled round, everyone steal eggs, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears, Pomiao in against another ... ... to escape, she will always be the last one - I was second to last, there is a Xiangyiweiming friendship.

Also fight, two little girls grabbed each other hair, horse is stare, her mother came up to both sides before the resounding cries.

Dinner and from the door flashing her out of joy to the report released the same evening, "Malan Flower."

Micro-purple evening sky, pale month, a few small stool, mother to a hair buy seeds, rolled in a newspaper cone cylinder, the children love to screen the opposite view, the wind came, Yan Fengying the same as the waves gently swing, there is a strange carried away.

The next day the gang take a few Pursuit fans, two long towels take charge in the arm sleeves, pick several flower tuberose stick forehead, pull out the roots when the pendant with silk to 忽悠, holding chamber was potential to play an old man one young lady, called "Betty" tea, chubby head sticking out of a bonus Liulv, hospitality should be a. Hindsight, "Chibi Maruko" Xiaoyu play small ball and play the "married woman", two people look real, chirp and smile, "Oh yo yo ... ... Mrs. Lee." Sometimes a child I thought all kind of gossip around the world.

Mother transfer to another job, her family moved to teach school. I wound up in fourth grade and is the father opened a small luggage left behind after complete drug pretty small pill, it contained several coins. There is a "Three Hundred Tang Poems," I time favorite is "春眠不觉晓, Europe and the Americas ... ..." carved with a knife in a small bed of white powder on the wall.

In the future to see Lin painting "Spring." Hyacinth and Bits of Gold in the morning, a few quiet Blackbird stood without a word. Heart, endless shock, this is the childhood years, the atmosphere of early spring in March.

I painted the space in the baby books, all costumes, to their stories.

The new table with the little boy, surnamed Zhou, his paintings are the generals, so every time I access from the front of the seat behind him, must be kicking some, a classroom of students silently watched. Coax everyone out of class, I lean on the wall look at these junior-year-old children than I Tiaopi Jin, play sand bags, I do not remember that time have cried, and no one has time to care for a child's joy sadness.

Bum on the day passed, I am a man clothed in white, blue trousers and holding a pile of plastic flowers chanting "Welcome welcome warmly welcome" in the compound with three to four individuals in conjunction with the black and white TV in the "blood in doubt", I learn table tennis, erhu, violin, take a red fan dance, "Troop Sheep", and slowly I sometimes played the young boy named week ... ... but apparently childhood is over.

Recalling family can not

Friends of Little Su song to my phone send a text message: "have a good summer cloud, Reading for hot, end of Lin rain of roof bath soak." They wrote in the next section, the four seasons are invited to visit Shin Shin karaoke red box, like you The song "Funeral Flowers whisper."
The rare summer high temperature pressure top, like a stove Shilu mountain. Song of the rotation Zuozhuang faithful literary friends to open boxes in the air under the summer heat will sing with the tone deaf to have fun there. See original text is not a small-Su, I do not know where he came clever diversion of the title song with me, "mourner whisper" thread with quite a lot of heart to lift up my heart. He knew that I exploit any tiny opening break from busy (nostalgia) of writing, it is actually lost and the discrete family of crazy looking, almost forgotten them this summer.
Pack of tired, I write my family hometown of redemption of that something, some people look more tired, there has literary friends said, he writhed in his house were overturned, and sent naked on the floor mirror. The strange thing is I hear not feel the face, not with his playing of imported water fights, I was born with this attachment. Years of the maze will make the most distended faint clear head, may be regarded as family nostalgia is a story of dry Zhi, I still recall with deep feeling to go to the stroke.
Remember when I am envious of Exposition of home every day with meat, but meat Exposition of the struggle for the dinner table often fights with his brother, once his brother was almost blind with chopsticks tick the Exposition of the eye poke. Look at our home, sweet potato porridge with salted radish, a person eating Zizi flavored, sometimes porridge is not enough, you push me to always leave the smallest. Why Exposition of families with meat still noisy, my family would like to eat sweet potato porridge happy. I asked my mother, my mother said that he things I'm not there, our family it is we love each other. Then I finally understood what her mother love each other, is a great heavy word, called the family. Whether people had the money to the rich family on the forgotten, the poor family love to know how to weight. Earth this book has not framed this law, but in our early age has been nourishing our family life.
I was able to drink half a catty peanuts with a few grains of wine's uncle said, You did, the poor family a blessing.
Yesterday evening. My wife in front of the back of my Rehan Zizi said, you write something, I do not listen to TV sound can look at, but ask you not to smoke, just a few days before Secretary of big tobacco when the Chen died, who got less than three months before and after lung cancer was gone. His wife said that if he got a paralysis can also drag in 2035 looked at him, others did not, even the extension can not hear the chirping of the heart was hollowed. My wife said, was a stroke of the letter should father paralyzed in bed for three years and three children outside, an official of the government officials, and business to do business, not a children accompanied only affect only a single letter should tan, 3 day two tears, really good sad. My wife's remarks, gently out of this world in trust by portraying all entangled with the family with the cause. The former left endless pain, the helplessness of the latter can not tell. Sometimes family is so memorable is so pale no blood.
I remember the age of seven, in the street. One woman took my hand, smile pulled me into a sewing shop. Give me a set of clothes that cut, in white blue pants. His tailor that I was her young child, young children has never been through such clothes, to tailor made prettier. Tailor a look is insane married woman four-aunt, half-hearted with his hand waving out of the store. I did not know that was a crazy four-aunt, her year-old drowning death of young children on neurological disorders. Said the mother, even a madman do know that his son new clothes, give him a happy smile, not to mention we are a hey man.
I more than once reminded me who rely on half-baked marinated chicken pieces craft earn money for my school's uncle, his illness and death due to excessive drinking when I was just about five kilometers away from home training new Tuen recruitment examination. Mother important recruitment examination, fear of affecting me, and obstinately Heng Xiaxin unfortunate not to my uncle told me the results I have any political problems because of the family managed to get high scores are not accepted, my uncle died, can not look at him. Childhood uncle loves me most, I sit a lot riding on his shoulders to his neck and Mama wet, he said it was happy haha boy alcohol. Think of my uncle was very ill, I could not feed him on a lifelong regret of imported water. I, family-oriented mother in this matter is silly, I dare not think about her mother bake more pain over the heart scar.
Really, I do not know I was such a devout family, somewhat of pure, transparent, up view to bare out what is wrong. I am even convinced that only the poor to nourish the family home, our brothers and eight sisters, childhood has never quarrel scolded a bad language, never to fight for what legacy left by their parents. Help make life difficult for the decent, more understanding and tolerance and promote harmony. Mother used to say, I am happy in this life is not the most return five hundred eight cub moon moon cake box of fish interest, nor is it to write my articles Ling child on the newspapers, but the big bubble in the bitterness inside of you, in my old, you still alive one by one, will not start me again, will not let my hair people who sent hair. These words of the mother is much better, with affection and peace is the greatest happiness.
Salvage happiness in our lifetime, in fact, with the silent sound, tangible and intangible happiness, the ever-ubiquitous space in the years to patronize us. Little Su k in the box is a happy song, I cured a Paste in the clinic is happy winning the lottery is a kind of happiness is a blessing to catch up with a woman, college entrance examination in the list is happiness, built a new home also a kind of happiness, all these. However, the mother of such words being the truth, natural, simple, pure, timeless. People are all very frustrating.
Suddenly remembered a famous quote on happiness: "Do not put your happiness in other people's sufferings." Appears to be very Shun Liu of the word, but the world to see the mundane world, few people can answer one of the true meaning? Truly understand the happiness of the people will also think of its opposite, that is, unfortunately, difficult and painful. Between them is an experience the transformation. Are the real life in the past. Only in this way have a complete life.
Allow me to confuse affection and happiness in this hot heat of summer, or give us a cool.

Wind yesterday

Fifty years ago, Xi'an, the city is the city, is the walls of the city. Chu Liaocheng door is the countryside, rural. Sight of the edge of the cropland, villages, the smoke floating over the village, approached some firewood can smell gas, livestock manure and various rural-specific gas atmosphere. Is living in the walls of the city's "city people" outside the walls is countryman. Urban bias when in fact there is (or: never have), the city people to people outside the city called "township and stick", called "Jia-Wa." "Jia-baby" who put the city were called "hybrid." One would think, really carefully, how can the walls in a few authentic old Xi'an! To the railway station as the center, north along the railway line, south Jiefang Road, mostly came to be known as the "Dan peoples" of the Henan Province. The area west of the city, is home to some "not my breed" of Hui have. Complex, it seems true. Can be outside on the net yet? Since the beginning of the Chang Tang mix of all-inclusive, and who would say that his body is pure Qin flow of blood!
Rarely see water over the city when the city's well water is the addition of bitter salt water, there is the well water from the sweet to sell the livelihoods of the sale will have a water truck every morning. My childhood is listening to the sound of water tankers grew up selling. Was gradually installed in all lanes and public tap, often able to see that, under the water line of water residents take. A few people own water, its advantages of a home comparable to today's Cadillac, and is the envy and awe of! By the way, there is a car horn sound of carriage. And most of dung into the city to pull the carriage. At that time the city more toilets, and farmers mainly used for the manure, human waste is very popular. Farmers often sent for suburban streets toilet hygiene in return is a monopoly on public toilet stool. Farmers have no such privileges away from time to time in unawares pull shit, sometimes caught would argue, or even began. The city's urchins are often around to stir up trouble: "Jia baby feces a fight!"

Not many people in town. Beilin is the more original a few blocks around the gathering place for scholars, Bai Shulin, Three Studies Street, homes Lane, courtyards are mostly fine, a lot of small brick homes, and no shortage of small second floor. I remember the most is everyone has a considerable area of the yard, the yard also has a tree. Most of the two into the courtyard, and before and after the moon between the hospital door. Children often come to a closed courtyard is a day to play. At that time the parents seemed assured only know their own children with whom or in Which hospital on the line. Of wild boys, slightly larger point of the gang go out, and the place is nothing but the walls or under the Two River, are more dangerous activity. When dusk after work often shows the great people along the Chenggen shouting children, or tugging at the ear of a Chou Xiaozi pull toward home. One side is the big one face of anger, frustration and while a child crying. The result would be victory for the children. Continue to crazy, then Amoy, until a small leather monkey find themselves tired of new tricks.

4 Avenue was very narrow, especially in West Street and South Avenue. I remember most clearly is the summer season of South Jie Liangbian when the trees grew up almost arch together. A street on a green corridor. The argument is that by now: two lanes. One year I had to ride a bike from South Avenue, street cars parked car shelf, behind the thought of a car horn, no place to hide, the car went straight and crashed into the shelf as a result, passing from behind the vehicles will be one of my arm on the "clean" fracture of the!

We are all around Beilin door, Beilin also called "Confucius" is a scholar into worship Confucius place, near the "next Maling", "Yin Ma Chi" and is also the source of the names reportedly named. Maling said the next piece of the original monument, a letter: "with all the policy this dismounting" and then walk Ye Holy. Horses, on to the followers to drink, the drinking fountain became a pond to water the horses. This said, do not, I did not research too. But ours is the core of Beilin, but no doubt the Confucius Temple.

Old people say, Beilin has been a fire from a large, stone hall to the old wooden building completely burned, and rebuilt into the present brick structure. Moreover, many elderly people have said that when the saw the fire sprang from the fire, to a red fox!

- Is the fox to blame. At that time the city actually had a fox!

Wait for the bloom

Scholars are fine and good at Lenovo. Seasons change, to blossom, and reincarnation will be involved with; How many pieces of poplar associate with ordinary farmers and guard to guard the north, Phoebe became despised by the aristocracy! Of course, also naked from the woman, white arms extended to the thigh, and then think of further sexual intercourse ... ...

I used to do yokel, they also occasionally produce some Lenovo. Of course, mainly by unhealthy, shining white content. Since beginning to write some text after the mess by some people who do not know exact details occasional call of "literati." Then drill a dead end, that is the difference between chuff chuff and scholars think something will sneak obscenity secrecy; writers, not only obscenity, after which they write to share with everyone. Indeed alone Better Together! Let me sum up slightly this sense of accomplishment.

Was born to a corner. Some people look at every turn is a lifetime opportunity to have shouted some can only do fancier. Poor pale doomed imaginative writing I can only do fancier role. Unfortunately, since such a child can see the clues to fight. The north was covered poplar - from Poplar, black poplars to a wide range of Chinese white poplar. Standing on his head and majestic tree, killed I will not link to the northern farmers and guard the guards. More will be holding a slingshot when I search for the above have avoided sparrow, Tulipa, or cicadas. Occasionally imagine the mud after sparrow shot dead after barbecue wrapped up the smell of that delicious, saliva was then flowed on the vigorous secretion out ... ...

These are crap. Today I want to say one kind of love over the years, moving plants, kapok.

Although it is not a rich association of people, it was an easy person to be moved. A book or a movie of a certain plot, a touching news events make me sour nose, and even tears. Time alone may be choked with Mo Lei, face in front of his wife and children will pretend to cough several more jokes to cover up these feelings so that women and children. Thus find their inner poses. "Hard in the face, soft-hearted", is a senior literary friends have not met the assessment I often bring those words to say. It seems not easy to cover up their own things. From this point do not even confirm the child is eight by decent writers. Gang Jue ass what other people know you pull feces, try to figure out where there will be something memorable? Those who dare to speak more than a few times to see the real good stuff.

Above is crap! To get down to business ... ...

I was moved kapok for seven years, finally decided to formally write today. Had earlier written a short poem on the kapok of using mobile phone sitting on a bus to write to. Long time to come to Guangzhou, sat a bus service running all over the world. After a day of traffic congestion encountered Guangzhou Bridge, bridge that is open Kapok brilliant. Kapok already heard, is called "hero tree." Some of the Lingnan painters often the flowers in full bloom in the freehand. Also noted that almost dignified suit, only for the life of those rushed days of rushing to enjoy the flowers get any grass to share the sentiments. This chance, traffic congestion has given me the opportunity meditation flowers.

The tree has in the first. Stem densely covered with short and thick sturdy spikes stand under the bridge, Quhei like pig iron. Was done to the surrounding branches robust, with the same black. Done with the penetrating power of the home that reminds me of the Taoist temple in front of the flagpole in the wind and rain. Some winter hardly ever left the dying leaves droop during shaky. Those flowers on densely packed branches standing on cast iron. Life is running out of the yellow and black Gengrang suppressed imposing a particularly eye-catching this bonus. As if the sky with two giant battle was injured falling from the sky drops of condensation on it ... ... suddenly moved up by visual shock in this scene! Hurriedly pulled out a cell phone, write down the feelings of the hearts. Those short sentences they have passion, burning hot steam and feeling not take but a fresh-baked Kao Hongshu phone ... ... fear of accidents can not be kept under careful to identify themselves as information to the existence of this poem - this is my 10 pick up a pen to write poetry again after a few years.

Some things are fleeting. Such as inspiration, to the time you want to quickly translate into something in writing before the state of preservation to Smart. Do you want to remember it later or next day order, already unrecognizable! Like when you write a good state of an accidental loss of text, so you remember to write again with absolutely has no sense! Therefore, there is only one real "Mona Lisa" ... ...

This is the first I have not found a touching poem. Because a few months later my phone stolen in bus. Have to recall the sentence that was how hot can not do. But I am sure, that is a full can touch people's good poetry. After my wife read poetry from irrationality to circumstantial evidence on this point - after his wife was peeping my phone for several days away, I do not say a word. I am very disturbed, very bored, very anxious, and finally broke out: What do it! Oh you sick? Wife faint sigh: Do you have an affair, right? Phone love poems is to whom? ... ... It seems like sensationalism, she unique, alternative way to accept such a move! I miss that lost the first poem. Occasionally, Xia Xiang: The thief does not have touched it read?

Special attention from the kapok. Each of the flowers tell me all year.

North and South different tree growth. Where not a trace of poplar, serendipitously also lined Liu Shucheng for the rare things - occasionally, in the park in the corner to see a patient Wai Wai stood solemnly hung a card letter "weeping willow." Sagging sense of the kind of ethereal certainly no. All branches atrophy Huddled such as the elderly after stroke sequelae. Here, some time in the north have infinite yearning of the coconut tree (although not seen in the past and coconut). In the middle of the street in their flower beds, grass swaying in the park, long smooth as a samba branches tall girl's thigh; there are those evergreen tree covered with beard, they grow vigorously in each eye, and the open space available. Banyan is the master of Guangdong, who suffered a few centuries old trees encircle only unusual opportunity. Standing in the shade, as if to accept a loving attention to the oldest old for the elderly; also purple spike flowers, they are free to bloom, blooms with, such as old street gorgeously dressed as prostitutes to attract your attention. Shed all the flowers will bear much of the pods, the shape, such as acacia or enlarged several times after the snow peas. Just can not not eat. Hong Kong has been strange flower spike with purple as a symbol - do coincide, "laughed poverty but not prostitution," the moral standards? Eight years in Guangzhou, the desire has never been to Hong Kong. After not want to go.

Kapok park near there. They scattered in every corner of the distance between the far, a total of five. Two very large, three smaller. Which a year before replanting is the. Its predecessor is kapok, experience in Tai Qiannian silent after the last bloom to die. Start cracked dry bark, which has closely-packed termite shuttle. Surely this is it the cause of death. Sorry, that's reinforced steel frame, should be eating those insidious insects collapse! Is Kapok is also "hard in the face, soft-hearted?" Dead trees have been amputated, and disappeared. Original location on replant the unruly young kapok.

After they occasionally I will gently touch the trunk of those sharp thorns. They are very sharp short, not off to play with. Sometimes evoked the memory of the acacia trees on the north - a child who frequently broke off long spines stick in the nose with saliva to play the Hornets. Kapok always lonely silence on weekdays, and leaves are sparse. This silence to produce each passing distance. Have not seen naughty children to climb kapok. A distance, not only is its portrayal of the recent obscene. Often stand in the distance looking at it the air vigorous black silhouette, silence, like a number of mind.

Guangzhou this spring is shorter than the rabbit tail. Some fashionable ladies wear exposed short skirt long wait, floating in the air in a kind of vague ambiguous odor. Kapok grows quietly, has been able to see the branches, the buds swell. A few days ago when the see the trees through the tree full of branches covered with buds, such as Tsing Hang like. Surprised that those eight years have been black buds. A person or a tree, to truly understand the always difficult.

Delicate and soft wind early in the morning, like a warm hand stroking his childhood his mother for you. Stroll in the park in the street and see that there are two tall kapok flowers open in succession, a blood-red, one orange. More like the kind of red. That tree is also wrapped in a little red, from a Tsing Hang the gap in half drilled, such as the naughty girl you shook its tongue. Afternoon will be full bloom.

Kapok of flowering is very short, there is a kind of shock of brilliant. Naruto, it may be only a year of silence for this glorious moment. Look to be blooming kapok, but think of the case past the flowers. Those petals are thick, the flowers with a calyx but not the pieces falling together falling, it will very suddenly leave the branches, like a shot of the bird crashed into the ground, the sound loud and crisp. Picked up the flowers would assume still holding in her hand, there is heavy feeling. Some old women will gather these fallen flowers, take-home dry. It is said to soup.

Write the same time, Ji Guazhe kapok was. Today there will be more flowers open. Waiting for me, kapok.